These daily online studies are adapted from our Quiet Time Bible Guide. The studies go through the Old and New Testaments in just over two years. The approach taken by our quiet time Bible studies does not include answers. The goal of the study is to help you dig into Scripture for yourself. You can go deeper using a commentary, Bible background guide or Bible handbook.

Job 20-21: The Problem of Pain

For more context before you begin studying, read this introduction to the book of Job.

Wars, disease, congenital deformities, earthquakes and the seismic disturbances in our daily lives—all of these leave us with questions about the goodness of God and his active control of the world. Job himself suffered economic, familial, physical and social disaster, so much so that he despaired of life and longed for death. How could a good God cause all this (as Job firmly believed), or even allow this (as most moderns would say)? The classic way of putting the matter is this: If God is all-powerful, he is not good; if he is good, he is not all-powerful.

Job will not get his answer in these chapters. Indeed, he does not get a satisfying theological answer even in the end when God finally speaks—he will get something even better! But his dialogue with his friend Zophar will push his thinking and praying a step closer to the belief that God's love is not confined to rewards and punishments.

Warming Up to God

What have you witnessed or experienced in life that has made it difficult for you to believe there is a good God running the world?

Read Job 20-21

Discovering the Word

  • What words and phrases are used to describe the wicked in chapter 20?
  • What is Zophar's view of God's righteousness?
  • How does Job's reality check in chapter 21 contrast with Zophar's view (20:29)?
  • Job 21:14-15 expresses the spiritual question the wicked might ask: "What would we gain by praying to him?" On the basis of the discussion thus far, how do you think Zophar would answer that question?
  • How would Job reply?

Applying the Word

  • It has been said that Job and the others were trying to fit together the pieces of a puzzle without having all the pieces. How can the discoveries Job is making (consider the last study too) help you deal with the problem of pain?
  • What have you learned in this study about helping people find answers to questions about the goodness of God?

Responding in Prayer

Ask God to help you grow in your understanding of who he is and how he works in the world.

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