These daily online studies are adapted from our Quiet Time Bible Guide. The studies go through the Old and New Testaments in just over two years. The approach taken by our quiet time Bible studies does not include answers. The goal of the study is to help you dig into Scripture for yourself. You can go deeper using a commentary, Bible background guide or Bible handbook.

Job 16-17: Our Heavenly Guarantor

For more context before you begin studying, read this introduction to the book of Job.

We long to be sure—sure that we are accepted by God, sure that our sins are really forgiven, not to crop up again to haunt us like a long-suppressed secret, sure that we will be with God when we die and sure that God is for us. Mike Mason suggests that one of our deepest questions is whether God likes us. "Of course God loves us, he loves everybody, indiscriminately, even the people he is going to send to hell. . . . The real question is not whether God loves us, but whether he approves of us, whether we are pleasing to him" (as quoted in Job by Francis Andersen). In the end our question—like Job's—is "Is there a Friend in the universe?"

Warming Up to God

Of what do you feel most sure in your life at this point? Explain.

Read Job 16-17

Discovering the Word

  • In chapter 15 Eliphaz started the second round of speeches, trying once again to cut Job down to size. What words does Job use to emphasize that not only his friends but also God has become his enemy (16:7-14)?
  • In what sense could Job say his "prayer is pure" (16:17)?
  • What certainty is impressed on Job's soul as he prays through his tears (16:18-21)?
  • Job looks to God for a pledge of security (17:3). How is it possible that Job could appeal for help from God when it is God who is apparently attacking him?
  • Look at Job 19:23-27. Bildad has had his second turn (chapter 18) at accusing Job. In what ways does this great breakthrough answer the deepest quest of his prayers?

Applying the Word

  • While discovering hope, Job must still exercise faith. Why is it important that the guarantees of our future should still require personal faith?
  • There are several images of God's provision in this study: witness, advocate, intercessor, guarantor, redeemer-kinsman. Which one especially gives you hope?
  • What difference will this make to the uncertainties you face?

Responding in Prayer

Bring your insecurities to your heavenly Guarantor.

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