Showing 91 - 100 of 265 results

  • Covering disciplines such as theology, philosophy, history, science, psychology, and biblical studies, we offer texts to cater to students and courses of all levels—from introductory to advanced. Historically, our publishing has run from the center to the frontiers of evangelical thought. We boast the strongest evangelical publishing programs in psychology, philosophy, and apologetics, and we provide a wealth of resources in church history, business, economics, science, mission, and ministry. We are regularly invigorated by the multiethnic and multiperspectival gifts of the global church.

  • Beyond Hashtag Activism: Comprehensive Justice in a Complicated Age, By Mae Elise Cannon

    Beyond Hashtag Activism

    Comprehensive Justice in a Complicated Age

    by Mae Elise Cannon

    The world is not as God intends it to be. But complex problems warrant more attention than quick posts on social media. How can we actually make a difference? Helping us accomplish change through a range of strategic avenues, activist Mae Elise Cannon shows us how to channel our passions to care effectively for our neighbor and the world.

  • 3589
    product set

    Transforming Resources

    In partnership with the Transforming Center, these Transforming Resources® are tools to guide leaders and their communities in experiencing spiritual transformation. Beyond mere information, each book, article, and curriculum is designed to provide step-by-step guidance for engaging the practices, experiences, and relationships that foster greater intimacy with God and deeper levels of spiritual transformation.

  • Every Voice Now is an IVP initiative that seeks to support and amplify voices of color, both through our work with authors and also internally within the organization. The initiative is jointly supported by InterVarsity Press and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and includes opportunities for additional funding to assist and promote our authors of color and to increase cultural competency at IVP.

  • The World Is Not Ours to Save: Finding the Freedom to Do Good, By Tyler Wigg-Stevenson

    The World Is Not Ours to Save

    Finding the Freedom to Do Good

    by Tyler Wigg-Stevenson

    Daily news of systemic injustice has caused activist rhetoric to balloon. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson hopes to slow this trend, suggesting that our complex global situation is forcing us to see our limits as world-changers. He calls Christians to leave aside the heady pursuit of causes and take their rightful place as standard-bearers of God's peace.