Showing 91 - 100 of 354 results

  • Faith Without Illusions: Following Jesus as a Cynic-Saint, By Andrew Byers

    Faith Without Illusions

    Following Jesus as a Cynic-Saint

    by Andrew Byers

    Call it burnout. Call it enlightenment. Call it whatever you like--it's plaguing the contemporary church. Andrew Byers calls it cynicism--the state we all too easily arrive at after passing through disillusionment. Too many saints in the making are having their wings clipped in this painful process. But wait--there's hope. Disillusionment is, at its heart, the dispersal of illusions, pointing us ...

  • The Possibility of Prayer: Finding Stillness with God in a Restless World, By John Starke

    The Possibility of Prayer

    Finding Stillness with God in a Restless World

    by John Starke

    The world clamors for efficiency and productivity.

    But the life of prayer is neither efficient nor productive. Instead, as we learn in the psalms, prayer calls us to wait, to watch, to listen, to taste, and to see. These things are not productive by any modern measure—but they are transformative.

    As a pastor in Manhattan, John Starke knows the bustle and busyness of ...

  • Making Neighborhoods Whole: A Handbook for Christian Community Development, By Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins

    Making Neighborhoods Whole

    A Handbook for Christian Community Development

    by Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins
    Foreword by Shane Claiborne

    Already with decades of experience speaking prophetically into the charged racial climate of the American south, John Perkins began to see a need for organized thinking and collaborative imagination about how the church engages urban ministry. And so the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) was born, with Wayne Gordon an immediate and enthusiastic participant. Nearly thirty years ...

  • Mother to Son: Letters to a Black Boy on Identity and Hope, By Jasmine L. Holmes

    Mother to Son

    Letters to a Black Boy on Identity and Hope

    by Jasmine L. Holmes
    Foreword by Jackie Hill Perry

    Christianity Today Book Award

    "Wynn is my son. No little boy could be more loved by his parents. Inquisitive, fiercely affectionate, staunchly opinionated, he sees the world through eyes of wonder and has yet to become jaded by society's cruelty. I know he'll grow up with stories of having been made to feel 'other' because of the color of his skin. I want to teach ...

  • When Faith Becomes Sight: Opening Your Eyes to God's Presence All Around You, By Beth A. Booram and David Booram

    When Faith Becomes Sight

    Opening Your Eyes to God's Presence All Around You

    by Beth A. Booram and David Booram

    • 2019 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Where can I turn to see God? How can I more clearly recognize God's nearness and initiative in my life?

    These are vital questions if you desire to know and experience the living God. As spiritual directors, Beth and David Booram have guided many people into deeper awareness of this living, present God at work ...

  • The Gospel and Pluralism Today: Reassessing Lesslie Newbigin in the 21st Century, Edited by Scott W. Sunquist and Amos Yong

    The Gospel and Pluralism Today

    Reassessing Lesslie Newbigin in the 21st Century

    Missiological Engagements

    Edited by Scott W. Sunquist and Amos Yong

    Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, Theology

    Toward the end of the twentieth century, Lesslie Newbigin offered a penetrating analysis of the challenges of pluralism that confronted a Western culture and society reeling from the dissolution of Christendom. His enormous influence has been felt ever since. Newbigin (1909-1998) was a longtime Church of Scotland missionary ...

  • Calling in Context: Social Location and Vocational Formation, By Susan L. Maros

    Calling in Context

    Social Location and Vocational Formation

    by Susan L. Maros

    "I don't care for vocational books written in the United States; they're too American." When Susan Maros heard this comment from a Malaysian colleague, she was initially taken aback. Isn't the concept of calling universal? Why wouldn't resources with a biblical perspective on vocation apply to everyone? The reality is that each of us encounters our questions of calling from within ...

  • Hurting Yet Whole: Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic Pain and Illness, By Liuan Huska

    Hurting Yet Whole

    Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic Pain and Illness

    by Liuan Huska

    What if the things we most fear about our bodies—our vulnerability to illness and pain—are exactly the places where God meets us most fully?

    As Liuan Huska went through years of chronic pain, she wondered why God seemed absent and questioned some of the common assumptions about healing. What do we do when our bodies don't work the way they should? What is healing, when one ...

  • paperback

    "Here Are Your Gods"

    Faithful Discipleship in Idolatrous Times

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    When the Israelites exclaimed, "Here are your gods!" at the sight of the golden calf, they were attempting to hold on to the God of their history while fashioning idols for their own purposes. In today's Western world, plenty of shiny false gods still hold power—idols of prosperity, nationalism, and self-interest. Christians ...