Showing 91 - 100 of 1595 results

  • 1530
    product set

    Contours of Christian Theology

    Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    Contours of Christian Theology is a series of concise introductory texts focused on the main themes of Christian theology. The authors introduce perennial questions and time-tested solutions while moving forward to explore contemporary issues and rework evangelical formulations of the faith.

    Series editor Gerald Bray is joined by a select group of respected teachers and theologians, each committed ...

  • Epiphany: The Season of Glory, By Fleming Rutledge


    The Season of Glory

    The Fullness of Time

    by Fleming Rutledge

    "We have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father."

    This line from the prologue of the Gospel of John declares the theme of Epiphany. Christmas celebrates Christ's birth; Epiphany manifests his glory.

    The feast of Epiphany and its following season are not as well observed as they should be. Many of us associate Epiphany with the visit of the Magi but ...

  • Abiding in Christ, By J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom

    Abiding in Christ

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom

    "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love." John 15:9 Before Jesus left this world he gave specific encouragement and instructions to his disciples on what to expect and how to live after he had gone. These words still apply to his disciples today. In this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, trusted guides J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom lead you through ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Walking the Labyrinth: A Place to Pray and Seek God, By Travis Scholl

    Walking the Labyrinth

    A Place to Pray and Seek God

    by Travis Scholl
    Foreword by Walter Wangerin Jr.

    One day Travis Scholl discovered a labyrinth in his neighborhood. As he began to walk it, he found this ancient practice offered a much-needed path away from life's demands, allowing him to encounter God in quiet solitude. In this meditative guide, Travis Scholl takes readers on a journey: "The path is always new, because, as a spiritual discipline, the labyrinth is a tool for contemplation, for ...

  • Dwell: Life with God for the World, By Barry D. Jones


    Life with God for the World

    by Barry D. Jones
    Foreword by Michael Frost

    Popular notions of Christian spirituality today tend to focus on getting us out of the world or getting the world out of us. Many are looking to spirituality as a means of disengaging from this life—to experience the transcendent or discover personal wholeness. On the other hand, much of popular Christian thought seems to be about avoiding the corruption of the world by being pious and following ...

  • Proverbs: Learning to Live Wisely, By William Mouser Jr.


    Learning to Live Wisely

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by William Mouser Jr.

    Where do you turn when you need to replace a fuse, cook dinner, eradicate ants, or soothe your child's upset stomach? If you are like many others, you have a shelf full of "how-to" books to supplement your own knowledge and experience. Now it's time to add Proverbs to that shelf! Proverbs is the Bible's own how-to manual. The wisdom contained in its practical and simple instructions will help you ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Service: Ministry with Heart and Hands, By R. Paul Stevens


    Ministry with Heart and Hands

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by R. Paul Stevens

    This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study includes ten sessions exploring service in a variety of contexts: family, the physical creation, society, the city, neighbors, relationships, the church and the workplace. Looking inside ministry specifically, R. Paul Stevens examines examples of service that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love—from Genesis to Revelation. ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Meeting Jesus, By Leighton Ford

    Meeting Jesus

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Leighton Ford

    Once you've met Jesus, you are never the same again. His teaching challenges your thinking. His compassion softens your heart. His love turns your life around. In this thirteen session LifeGuide® Bible Study, evangelist Leighton Ford leads you through thirteen studies from the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) that will open your eyes anew--or for the first time--to Jesus ...

    Number of Studies: 13

  • Christmas: The Season of Life and Light, By Emily Hunter McGowin


    The Season of Life and Light

    The Fullness of Time

    by Emily Hunter McGowin

    "O wondrous exchange!"

    Of all the seasons of the church calendar, Christmas is the one most recognized and celebrated by our society at large. That means it's the season we're most familiar with—but that can also make it harder to see past Christmas's many cultural trappings to its timeless beauty.

    At the first Christmas, God exchanged the glories of divinity for the ...