Showing 91 - 100 of 1906 results

  • Hinge Moments: Making the Most of Life's Transitions, By D. Michael Lindsay

    Hinge Moments

    Making the Most of Life's Transitions

    by D. Michael Lindsay

    In life we have moments in time in which we have an opportunity before us to make a change or to respond to a situation. According to Michael Lindsay, president of Gordon College, what follows these instances will depend intrinsically on the decisions we make and the actions we take. These are what he calls "hinge moments"—opportunities to open (or close) doors to various pathways ...

  • Art & Soul: Signposts for Christians in the Arts, By Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin

    Art & Soul

    Signposts for Christians in the Arts

    by Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin

    More Christians than ever before are studying and working in music, painting, sculpture, theater, television, film, architecture and more. Are you one of them? If so, you, like artists in every discipline, face the challenge of working in a way that is both wholly Christian and wholly contemporary, Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin have written this practical and inspirational guide for you. In ...

  • The Self-Aware Leader: Discovering Your Blind Spots to Reach Your Ministry Potential, By Terry Linhart

    The Self-Aware Leader

    Discovering Your Blind Spots to Reach Your Ministry Potential

    by Terry Linhart
    Foreword by Carey Nieuwhof

    Parish Clergy - Top Ten Books

    Effective ministry begins here.

    You've studied what you think you need to know before entering a career in ministry. Is there anything that is more important than knowing about hermeneutics, homiletics, theology, exegesis, and everything else you have likely learned in seminary and church ministry so far?

    Yes, there ...

  • 3589
    product set

    Transforming Resources

    In partnership with the Transforming Center, these Transforming Resources® are tools to guide leaders and their communities in experiencing spiritual transformation. Led by Ruth Haley Barton, the Transforming Center has been strengthening the souls of pastors, Christian leaders, and the congregations and organizations ...

  • Mirror for the Soul: A Christian Guide to the Enneagram, By Alice Fryling

    Mirror for the Soul

    A Christian Guide to the Enneagram

    by Alice Fryling

    "Who in the world am I?" The Enneagram is like a mirror, reflecting dimensions of ourselves that are sometimes hard to see. In this helpful guide, spiritual director and Enneagram teacher Alice Fryling offers an introduction to each number of the Enneagram and their respective triads. More than just helping us discern our number, this book relates the Enneagram to our spiritual ...

  • The Steward Leader: Transforming People, Organizations and Communities, By R. Scott Rodin

    The Steward Leader

    Transforming People, Organizations and Communities

    by R. Scott Rodin

    Coach. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Executive. Servant. Visionary. Everyone has a different idea of what a leader should be. How can any one person be everything? Scott Rodin brings unity and clarity to this confusing, demanding picture of leadership. He offers a comprehensive model that brings together a biblical understanding of holistic stewardship with the best in leadership studies. Whether in ...

  • The Soul of Desire: Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community, By Curt Thompson

    The Soul of Desire

    Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community

    by Curt Thompson
    Foreword by Makoto Fujimura

    A Spiritual and Neurobiological Redemption of Desire

    We are people of desire.

    In The Soul of Desire, psychiatrist Curt Thompson suggests that underneath all our longings is the desire to be known—and what's more, that this fundamental yearning manifests itself in our deep need to make things of beauty, revealing who we are to others. Desire and beauty go hand ...

  • To Alter Your World: Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities, By Michael Frost and Christiana Rice

    To Alter Your World

    Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities

    by Michael Frost and Christiana Rice

    • 15th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Also Recommended in Church

    In Christ, a new world is being born and the new creation is unfurling all around us. God is directing history toward the future restoration, repair, and renewal of all creation. And our job is to cooperate with God in being a sign and foretaste of that coming world. Renowned missional ...

  • Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life, By Phileena Heuertz

    Pilgrimage of a Soul

    Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life

    by Phileena Heuertz
    Foreword by Shauna Niequist

    You can only go so far for so long before you find the limits of yourself. For Phileena Heuertz that moment arrived, mercifully, around the same time as a sabbatical to mark her twelfth year of service with an international organization working with some of the most vulnerable people in the world. Activists often see contemplation as a luxury, the sort of thing necessarily set aside in the quest ...