Showing 91 - 100 of 309 results

  • Learning from Henri Nouwen and Vincent van Gogh: A Portrait of the Compassionate Life, By Carol A. Berry

    Learning from Henri Nouwen and Vincent van Gogh

    A Portrait of the Compassionate Life

    by Carol A. Berry
    Foreword by Sue Mosteller CSJ

    Carol Berry and her husband met and befriended Henri Nouwen when she sat in his course on compassion at Yale Divinity School in the 1970s. At the request of Henri Nouwen's literary estate, she has written this book, which includes unpublished material recorded from Nouwen's lectures. As an art educator, Berry is uniquely situated to develop Nouwen's work on Vincent van Gogh and to add her own research. ...

  • The Enneagram Goes to Church: Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life, By Todd Wilson

    The Enneagram Goes to Church

    Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life

    by Todd Wilson

    If I had known the Enneagram earlier in my ministry, I would have been a much better pastor.

    When this thought came to Todd Wilson, he had already served as a pastor in several churches for the better part of fifteen years and was successfully leading a large, historic, and diverse congregation. He'd started out in ministry with a strong education in everything from ...

  • Acts: Seeing the Spirit at Work, By John Stott


    Seeing the Spirit at Work

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Phyllis J. Le Peau

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    The Spirit moved in dramatic ways in the early church. The gospel was preached, thousands were added to their number, many were healed, and the good news about Jesus was spread across continents. Covering the exciting action of the Spirit in the years just following Jesus' life on earth, this study will open your eyes to the Spirit's power in ...

    Number of Studies: 18

  • Galatians: Experiencing the Grace of Christ, By John Stott


    Experiencing the Grace of Christ

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    In Christ we have salvation as a gift of grace. But what is our responsibility? Maybe you're confused about the various requirements different Christians say accompany being a follower of Christ. Galatians raises questions of law: What rules should a Christian follow? Are we exempt through Christ? These studies from Galatians help us understand ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians: Living in the End Times, By John Stott

    1 & 2 Thessalonians

    Living in the End Times

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. For centuries Christians have proclaimed these central truths. The gospel that began in space and time will ultimately be fulfilled at Christ's return. And as we wait and long for Christ's return, this gospel gives us encouragement and a reason for hope. These ten studies on Paul's letters ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • 1 Timothy & Titus: Fighting the Good Fight, By John Stott

    1 Timothy & Titus

    Fighting the Good Fight

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Lin Johnson

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    We live in a culture where the beliefs and preferences of the individual are given final authority. Paul's firm commitment to the church as "the pillar and foundation of the truth" stands against the current. His letters to Timothy and Titus call us to reestablish the core beliefs of Christianity and affirm our convictions about the gospel. ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Letters of John: Embracing Certainty in Times of Insecurity, By John Stott

    Letters of John

    Embracing Certainty in Times of Insecurity

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    We live in times of insecurity.

    New nations are coming to birth. Social and political patterns are evolving. Violence, terrorism, and war threaten the very foundations of civilization. These external insecurities are reflected in the internal world of the mind and of the spirit. There is widespread distrust of Christian faith and a preference for agnosticism or free thought. ...

    Number of Studies: 10