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  • From the halls of academia to the church pulpit to the public forum, books from InterVarsity Press strengthen the church, encourage individuals, and shape the academy. Across six publishing imprints, our books equip pastors, professors, ministry leaders, and Christian booklovers of all ages to deepen their personal faith, understand a biblical view of the world around them, and engage with that world faithfully. Explore the breadth of our six publishing imprints here.

  • The Anxiety Field Guide: Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing, By Jason Cusick

    The Anxiety Field Guide

    Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing

    by Jason Cusick

    Anxiety is one of the most pressing mental health issues of our day. Millions of people in our society suffer from anxiety, often unbeknownst to those around them. The pressures of modern life seem specially designed to cause anxiety, and anxiety is on the rise in recent years. The good news is that anxiety is very treatable. Pastor Jason Cusick tells the story of his own history ...

  • Plowshares and Pruning Hooks: Rethinking the Language of Biblical Prophecy and Apocalyptic, By Brent Sandy

    Plowshares and Pruning Hooks

    Rethinking the Language of Biblical Prophecy and Apocalyptic

    by Brent Sandy

    What are we to make of Isaiah's image of Mount Zion as the highest of the mountains, or Zechariah's picture of the Mount of Olives split in two, or Daniel's "beast rising out of the sea" or Revelation's "great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns"? How can Peter claim that on the day of Pentecost the prophecy of Joel was being fulfilled, with signs in heaven and wonders on earth, the sun turned ...

  • The Path Between Us Journal, By Suzanne Stabile

    The Path Between Us Journal

    by Suzanne Stabile

    "One of the reasons it's so important to me that people learn the Enneagram is that this wisdom helps us to choose a reaction," says Suzanne Stabile, author of The Path Between Us, in her Enneagram training seminars. "And when you don't know the Enneagram, reactions often choose you."

    This is just one of the fresh insights drawn from Stabile's teaching that have been included in this ...

  • Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith, By Michael Reeves

    Delighting in the Trinity

    An Introduction to the Christian Faith

    by Michael Reeves

    Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

    The Beloved Introduction to the Trinity and Christian Life

    Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity.

    Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity.

    How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity.

    In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life ...

  • The Urban Christian, By Raymond J. Bakke and Jim Hart

    The Urban Christian

    by Raymond J. Bakke and Jim Hart

    • An Eternity 1988 Book of the Year

    There are millions of opportunities for the gospel. With half of the world's five billion people in cities, there is almost no end to the exciting challenges that await us. Ray Bakke has been there. For over twenty years he and his family have worked with and love the people of today's cities, bringing a message of ...

  • Resting Place: A Personal Guide to Spiritual Retreats, By Jane A. Rubietta

    Resting Place

    A Personal Guide to Spiritual Retreats

    by Jane A. Rubietta

    A personal retreat. We've never needed it more. We run from one place to the next--from meetings and appointments to our kid's soccer practice, from class to work to choir rehearsal, from the grocery store to small group--and then drop into bed later than we hoped, exhausted and dreading the morning. We want to slow down but don't know how and don't really believe that we can. And often, the idea ...

  • Interpreting Deuteronomy: Issues and Approaches, Edited byDavid G. Firth and Philip S. Johnston

    Interpreting Deuteronomy

    Issues and Approaches

    Edited by David G. Firth and Philip S. Johnston

    The book of Deuteronomy has been immensely influential, not least within the Old Testament itself. It is found among the most frequently occurring manuscripts at Qumran, and it is also one of the Old Testament books most frequently cited in the New Testament. In Matthew?s Gospel, it is Deuteronomy which Jesus cites in rejecting temptation. As with so many other Old Testament books, study of Deuteronomy ...