Showing 1001 - 1010 of 2911 results

  • Preaching the New Testament, Edited by Ian Paul and David Wenham

    Preaching the New Testament

    Edited by Ian Paul and David Wenham

    The New Testament writers proclaimed their message passionately and persuasively. This volume explores how we can preach faithfully from those texts. The chapters cover the main texts and genres of the New Testament, and offer particular insights into the infancy narratives, parables, miracles, the Sermon on the Mount, ethics, future hope and judgment, archaeology and history, hermeneutics and the ...

  • Seeing Through Cynicism: A Reconsideration of the Power of Suspicion, By Dick Keyes

    Seeing Through Cynicism

    A Reconsideration of the Power of Suspicion

    by Dick Keyes

    We live in a cynical age. Cynicism is in the air we breathe; it is a cultural norm; it is the default setting and lens through which many of us view the world. Why is cynicism so pervasive? What does it promise? How does it work? And what does it deliver? In this thorough, interdisciplinary exploration of cynicism, Dick Keyes probes the intellectual and cultural underpinnings of cynicism in its ...

  • Still Bored in a Culture of Entertainment: Rediscovering Passion  Wonder, By Richard Winter

    Still Bored in a Culture of Entertainment

    Rediscovering Passion Wonder

    by Richard Winter

    Though we have hundreds of entertainment options today--video games, the Internet, CD and MP3 players, home entertainment centers, sporting events, megamalls, movie theaters, and even robotic toys--Western culture is battling an insidious disease. It's an epidemic of boredom. Intrigued by this "deadness of soul," Richard Winter uses the latest historical, physiological and psychological research ...

  • How the News Makes Us Dumb: The Death of Wisdom in an Information Society, By C. John Sommerville

    How the News Makes Us Dumb

    The Death of Wisdom in an Information Society

    by C. John Sommerville

    We who live at the end of the twentieth century are better informed--and more quickly informed--than any people in history. So why do we also seem more confused, divided and foolish than ever before? Some pundits criticize the news media for political bias. Other analysts worry that up-to-the-minute news reports on radio and television oversimplify complex realities. Still more critics point out ...

  • Movies Are Prayers: How Films Voice Our Deepest Longings, By Josh Larsen

    Movies Are Prayers

    How Films Voice Our Deepest Longings

    by Josh Larsen
    Foreword by Matt Zoller Seitz

    "Movies are our way of telling God what we think about this world and our place in it. . . . Movies can be many things: escapist experiences, historical artifacts, business ventures, and artistic expressions, to name a few. I'd like to suggest that they can also be prayers." Movies do more than tell a good story. They are expressions of raw emotion, naked vulnerability, and unbridled ...

  • Popcultured: Thinking Christianly About Style, Media and Entertainment, By Steve Turner


    Thinking Christianly About Style, Media and Entertainment

    by Steve Turner

    There's no avoiding popular culture—we've been enculturated into it. What does it mean to be faithful Christians in a pop culture world? How do we think Christianly about celebrity and leisure? Some Christians try to abstain from "worldly" pursuits, while others consume culture indiscriminately, assuming it has little effect on them. But if Christ is Lord of all of life, then there ought to be Christian ...

  • Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians, By Kim Hammond and Darren Cronshaw Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians, By Kim Hammond and Darren Cronshaw


    Six Postures of Missional Christians

    by Kim Hammond and Darren Cronshaw
    Foreword by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch

    Ever wonder why people fall asleep in church? It happens. We?ve all seen it. We shuffle into rows of seats that grow more comfortable with every new fundraising campaign. We slouch down and settle in for an hour or so, as singers and storytellers and preachers and teachers take their turns filling our ears. And almost without fail, at least one of us nods off while listening to the greatest story ...

  • Sermons That Sing: Music and the Practice of Preaching, By Noel A. Snyder

    Sermons That Sing

    Music and the Practice of Preaching

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by Noel A. Snyder
    Foreword by Jeremy Begbie

    Preaching and music are both regular elements of Christian worship across the theological spectrum. But they often don't interact or inform each other in meaningful ways.

    In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, theologian, pastor, and musician Noel A. Snyder considers how the church's preaching might be helpfully informed by musical theory. Just as a good musical composition ...

  • Advent: The Season of Hope, By Tish Harrison Warren


    The Season of Hope

    The Fullness of Time

    by Tish Harrison Warren

    "Christians believe not just in one coming of Christ, but in three."

    We tend to think of Advent as the season of anticipation before Christmas—and while it is that, it’s also much more. Throughout its history, the church has observed Advent as a preparation not only for the first coming of Christ in his incarnation but also for his second coming at the last day. It's also ...