Showing 1041 - 1050 of 2388 results

  • Hidden Worldviews: Eight Cultural Stories That Shape Our Lives, By Steve Wilkens and Mark L. Sanford

    Hidden Worldviews

    Eight Cultural Stories That Shape Our Lives

    by Steve Wilkens and Mark L. Sanford

    Why do we buy what we buy, vote the way we vote, eat what we eat and say what we say? Why do we have the friends we have, and work and play as we do? It's our choice? Yes, but there are forces, often unseen, that shape every decision we make and every action we take. These hidden, life-shaping values and ideas are not promoted through organized religions or rival philosophies but fostered by cultural ...

  • Cold Civil War: Overcoming Polarization, Discovering Unity, and Healing the Nation, By Jim Belcher

    Cold Civil War

    Overcoming Polarization, Discovering Unity, and Healing the Nation

    by Jim Belcher
    Foreword by John D. Wilsey

    America's political landscape is experiencing dangerous polarization and fragmentation, with the extremes pulling the country apart. Voices on the left and right clash over different worldviews, definitions of America, and what it means to be an American citizen. The levels of incivility and hostility lead some to invoke the language of a cold civil war or even a looming civil ...

  • The Magnificent Journey: Living Deep in the Kingdom, By James Bryan Smith

    The Magnificent Journey

    Living Deep in the Kingdom

    Apprentice Resources

    by James Bryan Smith

    We are told, “Look out for yourself first” and “Nice guys finish last.” But following that path leaves us feeling isolated and anxious, and can even take us to a place of ruin. This is not a magnificent journey. There is a road to life in the unshakeable kingdom of God, but it's not an easy journey. "We cannot enter into the kingdom unless we take our cross and die to ourselves," ...

  • The Magnificent Journey: Living Deep in the Kingdom, By James Bryan Smith

    The Magnificent Journey

    Living Deep in the Kingdom

    Apprentice Resources

    by James Bryan Smith

    We are told, “Look out for yourself first” and “Nice guys finish last.” But following that path leaves us feeling isolated and anxious, and can even take us to a place of ruin. This is not a magnificent journey. There is a road to life in the unshakeable kingdom of God, but it's not an easy journey. "We cannot enter into the kingdom unless we take our cross and die to ourselves," ...

  • The Sacred Wilderness of Pastoral Ministry: Preparing a People for the Presence of the Lord, By David Rohrer

    The Sacred Wilderness of Pastoral Ministry

    Preparing a People for the Presence of the Lord

    by David Rohrer

    Pastors often find themselves struggling to survive in the wilderness of the contemporary church scene. How do they remain faithful in light of the marginalization of organized religion, denominational strife, rapid demographic change, falling numbers and a general malaise among church members? Many pastors feel helpless, others hopeless. Sociologists and pollsters diagnose the problem but can't ...

  • Walking Gently on the Earth: Making Faithful Choices About Food, Energy, Shelter and More, By Lisa Graham McMinn and Megan Anna Neff

    Walking Gently on the Earth

    Making Faithful Choices About Food, Energy, Shelter and More

    by Lisa Graham McMinn and Megan Anna Neff

    • 2010 Foreword Book of the Year

    God created the world in a delicate balance for the good of all plants, animals and people. Tragically, though, from the Fall to today, we as humans have lived in ways that keep living things--including fellow human beings--from surviving at all, much less flourishing. But we can change that. Sociologist and author Lisa ...

  • Building Your Volunteer Team: A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry, By Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman

    Building Your Volunteer Team

    A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry

    by Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman

    Do you find yourself again and again wondering what it would take to get some new volunteers onboard for your ministry? And yet does it seem that you are never able to focus your energy on recruitment? Maybe you find yourself saying things like: "It?s just easier for me to do it myself." At one level, of course, this is true. Almost always, it is easier to "do it ourselves." We avoid the ...

  • Soul-Shaping Small Groups: A Refreshing Approach for Exasperated Leaders, By Kim V. Engelmann

    Soul-Shaping Small Groups

    A Refreshing Approach for Exasperated Leaders

    by Kim V. Engelmann
    Foreword by John Ortberg

    Is your small group boring? (It's okay to be honest.) Do you sometimes have to force yourself to attend the meetings (even the meetings you lead!)? Do you wonder if small groups are doing anything for your spiritual growth? Kim Engelmann, a pastor and small group leader, describes how she felt about one small group she attended: "It is Thursday evening--small group night. I . . . hesitate before ...