Showing 1051 - 1060 of 3945 results

  • The Radical Pursuit of Rest: Escaping the Productivity Trap, By John Koessler

    The Radical Pursuit of Rest

    Escaping the Productivity Trap

    by John Koessler
    Foreword by Mark Galli

    • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    We live in a culture that values activity, achievement and accomplishment. Whether in our careers, churches, schools or families, busyness is the norm in our lives, and anything less makes us feel unproductive and anxious. We have to work all the harder, then, to pursue true rest in a 24-7 ...

  • Spirit of God: Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith, Edited byJeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones

    Spirit of God

    Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Jeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones

    While the age of the Holy Spirit began with Pentecost, the twentieth century has seen an explosion in the Spirit's work through the remarkable growth of Pentecostalism and the changing face of global Christianity. Despite these surprising developments, and the undeniable significance of the Holy Spirit throughout the life of the church, pneumatology too often remains a subject of misunderstanding ...

  • Speaking of Jesus: How To Tell Your Friends the Best News They Will Ever Hear, By J. Mack Stiles

    Speaking of Jesus

    How To Tell Your Friends the Best News They Will Ever Hear

    Saltshaker Books

    by J. Mack Stiles

    The gospel really is the best news anyone will ever receive. So why do Christians shy away from talking about Jesus outside of church? And, when they do speak of Jesus, why do they often get a disinterested or scornful reponse? Mack Stiles offers a wealth of answers, ideas and stories in this heads-up, hands-on evangelism handbook. His creative strategies for reaching an ethnically, culturally, ...

  • Explorations in Asian Christianity: History, Theology, and Mission, By Scott W. Sunquist

    Explorations in Asian Christianity

    History, Theology, and Mission

    Missiological Engagements

    by Scott W. Sunquist

    Asia is the birthplace of Christianity. If Christianity is not usually seen as an Asian religion, that is because the history of Christianity in Asia has long been a difficult one. Whereas Christianity in the West received royal support, Asian Christianity has led a more nomadic and exilic existence. Today it is the least Christianized region of the world.

    Scott W. Sunquist is a recognized ...

  • Apocrypha, Edited by Sever Voicu


    Volume 15

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Sever Voicu
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    While the canonical status of the Greek and Latin Old Testament texts commented on within this volume has been understood differently within Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox traditions, their longstanding use within the Christian churches makes them worthy of careful study and reflection. As noted in the Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, Jerome says that the church ...

  • Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission, By David E. Fitch

    Faithful Presence

    Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission

    by David E. Fitch

    • Missio Alliance Essential Reading List of 2016

    In our quest to renew the church, Christians have walked through seeker-friendly, emergent, missional, and other movements to develop new expressions of the body of Christ. Now in the post-Christian world in North America we're asking the question again: Is there a way to be the church that engages the world, not by ...

  • Romans, Edited by Gerald Bray


    Volume 6

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Gerald Bray
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Christianity Today Book of the Year

    St. Paul's Letter to the Romans has long been considered the theological high-water mark of the New Testament. It was no less regarded by the ancient church, and patristic interpreters have left us an abundance of valuable comment on Romans.

    This Ancient Christian Commentary on Romans collects the best and most representative ...

  • Evangelicals & Scripture: Tradition, Authority and Hermeneutics, Edited by Vincent E. Bacote and Laura Miguelez Quay and Dennis L. Okholm

    Evangelicals & Scripture

    Tradition, Authority and Hermeneutics

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Vincent E. Bacote, Laura Miguelez Quay, and Dennis L. Okholm

    By definition, a high view of Scripture inheres in evangelicalism. However, there does not seem to be a uniform way to articulate an evangelical doctrine of Scripture. Taking up the challenge, Vincent Bacote, Laura Miguélez and Dennis Okholm present twelve essays that explore in depth the meaning of an evangelical doctrine of Scripture that takes seriously both the human and divine dimensions ...