Showing 1071 - 1080 of 2020 results

  • True Truth: Defending Absolute Truth in a Relativistic World, By Art Lindsley

    True Truth

    Defending Absolute Truth in a Relativistic World

    by Art Lindsley

    Conventional wisdom holds that any belief in absolutes, especially of a religious nature, leads inevitably to the oppressive absolutism of such movements as the Inquisition, the Crusades and even Nazism. As a result, Christian apologists have been hard-pressed to make a case for the rational absolutes that are a necessary part of belief in Jesus. Art Lindsley takes up the task ...

  • Moral Darwinism: How We Became Hedonists, By Benjamin Wiker

    Moral Darwinism

    How We Became Hedonists

    by Benjamin Wiker
    Foreword by William A. Dembski

    Abortion. Euthanasia. Infanticide. Sexual promiscuity. Ideas and actions once unthinkable have become commonplace. We seem to live in a different moral universe than we occupied just a few decades ago. Consent and noncoercion seem to be the last vestiges of a morality long left behind. Christian moral tenets are now easily dismissed and have been replaced with what is curiously presented as a superior, ...

  • Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment?: A Debate Between William Lane Craig  Gerd Ludemann, Edited by Paul Copan and Ronald K. Tacelli

    Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment?

    A Debate Between William Lane Craig Gerd Ludemann

    Edited by Paul Copan and Ronald K. Tacelli

    Was the resurrection of Jesus a fact of history or a figment of imagination? Was it an event that entailed a raised and transformed body and an empty tomb? Or was it a subjective, visionary experience--a collective delusion? In the view of many, the truth of Christianity hangs on the answer to this question. Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment? is a lively and provocative debate between ...

  • Help Me Believe: Direct Answers to Real Questions, By Cliffe Knechtle

    Help Me Believe

    Direct Answers to Real Questions

    by Cliffe Knechtle

    It's natural for you to have questions about Christianity. What does Jesus really have to offer in a world that is so complicated, where there's so much pain? What difference could he possibly make in your life? For years Cliffe Knechtle has been fielding questions about and objections to Christianity from thousands of people. They want to know what you want to know--what does Jesus have to do ...

  • Jesus with Dirty Feet: A Down-to-Earth Look at Christianity for the Curious  Skeptical, By Don Everts

    Jesus with Dirty Feet

    A Down-to-Earth Look at Christianity for the Curious Skeptical

    by Don Everts

    Most folks think of Jesus
    as the man who started Christianity. But it turns out
    he wasn't just a man,
    and he didn't just start Christianity. Most folks think of Jesus
    as an other-worldly religious leader,
    a great moral teacher,
    or maybe they don't think of him at all. But he had dirty feet,
    cooked breakfast
    and got himself ...

  • C. S. Lewis  Francis Schaeffer: Lessons for a New Century from the Most Influential Apologists of Our Time, By Scott R. Burson and Jerry L. Walls

    C. S. Lewis Francis Schaeffer

    Lessons for a New Century from the Most Influential Apologists of Our Time

    by Scott R. Burson and Jerry L. Walls

    In some ways, they could not be more different: the pipe-smoking, Anglican Oxford don and the blue-collar scion of conservative Presbyterianism. But C. S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer, each in his unique way, fashioned Christian apologetics that influenced millions in their lifetimes. And the work of each continues to be read and studied today. In this book Scott Burson and Jerry Walls compare and ...

  • In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case for God's Action in History, Edited by R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas

    In Defense of Miracles

    A Comprehensive Case for God's Action in History

    Edited by R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas

    Rumors of deception have surrounded claims of Jesus' resurrection ever since the soldiers appointed to guard his tomb made their report to the Jewish authorities. But no one has led the philosophic charge against miracles quite as influentially as David Hume with his 1748 essay "Of Miracles." Refined, revised, restated, his arguments still affect philosophic discussions of miracles today.

    During ...

  • Christian Apologetics in the Postmodern World, Edited by Timothy R. Phillips and Dennis L. Okholm

    Christian Apologetics in the Postmodern World

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Timothy R. Phillips and Dennis L. Okholm

    Evangelicals are beginning to provide analyses of our postmodern society, but little has been done to suggest an effective apologetic strategy for reaching a culture that is pluralistic, consumer-oriented, and infatuated with managerial and therapeutic approaches to life. This, then, is the first book to address that vital task. In these pages some of evangelicalism's most stimulating thinkers ...

  • Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?, By James W. Sire

    Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?

    by James W. Sire

    • A Christianity Today 1995 Books of the Year Finalist

    Believing. Most of us take it for granted. We just do it--whether it's trusting that the sun will come up tomorrow, that the lunch we are about to eat is not poisoned or that our religious beliefs are not ill-founded. But why should we believe any of these things? Why should anyone believe anything at ...

  • Chris Chrisman Goes to College: and faces the Challenges of Relativism, Individualism and Pluralism, By James W. Sire

    Chris Chrisman Goes to College

    and faces the Challenges of Relativism, Individualism and Pluralism

    by James W. Sire

    Chris Chrisman, a young Christian, goes to college only to have his world turned upside down. On campus he finds the challenges to his faith -- both intellectual and personal -- almost more than he can bear. Then he meets Bill Seipel and Bob Wong. Together, the three young men, two of them Christians and the other a self-styled atheist, forge a common bond in the quest for truth. In the process ...