Showing 1101 - 1110 of 3340 results

  • To the Cross: Proclaiming the Gospel from the Upper Room to Calvary, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    To the Cross

    Proclaiming the Gospel from the Upper Room to Calvary

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    The cross is good news for us today. With the expertise of a veteran biblical scholar and the wisdom of a seasoned pastor, Christopher Wright skillfully guides us on Jesus' journey from the Last Supper to the cross. Through the lens of the Old Testament, Wright navigates the Gospel accounts of events that include the meal in the upper room, Peter's denials, the taunts and jeers ...

  • 4913
    product set

    New Explorations in Theology

    Theology is flourishing in dynamic and unexpected ways in the twenty-first century. Scholars are increasingly recognizing the global character of the church, freely crossing old academic boundaries and challenging previously entrenched interpretations. Despite living in a culture of uncertainty, both young and senior scholars today are engaged in hopeful and creative work in the areas of systematic, ...

  • Jacob & the Prodigal: How Jesus Retold Israel's Story, By Kenneth E. Bailey

    Jacob & the Prodigal

    How Jesus Retold Israel's Story

    by Kenneth E. Bailey

    Israel, the community to which Jesus belonged, took its name from their patriarch Jacob. His story of exile and return was their story as well. In the well-known tale of the prodigal son, Jesus reshaped the story in his own way and for his own purposes. In this work, Kenneth E. Bailey compares the Old Testament saga and the New Testament parable. He unpacks similarities freighted with theological ...

  • Penny Preaches: God Gives Good Gifts to Everyone!, By Amy Dixon and Rob Dixon

    Penny Preaches

    God Gives Good Gifts to Everyone!

    by Amy Dixon and Rob Dixon
    Illustrated by Jennifer Davison

    Penny loves the sermon on Sunday because she loves to think about big things. But when preaching from the front porch to her friends doesn't turn out quite as she expected, Penny wonders if she was wrong to want to teach others about God.

    Written by Amy Dixon and Rob Dixon, and featuring delightful illustrations from Jennifer Davison, Penny's story reminds us that God gives ...

  • Jesus Is Lord, Caesar Is Not: Evaluating Empire in New Testament Studies, Edited byScot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica

    Jesus Is Lord, Caesar Is Not

    Evaluating Empire in New Testament Studies

    Edited by Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica
    Foreword by Andy Crouch

    The New Testament is immersed in the often hostile world of the Roman Empire, but its relationship to that world is complex. What is meant by Jesus' call to "render unto Caesar" his due, when Luke subversively heralds the arrival of a Savior and Lord who is not Caesar, but Christ? Is there tension between Peter's command to "honor the emperor" and John's apocalyptic denouncement of Rome as "Babylon ...

  • Movements That Change the World: Five Keys to Spreading the Gospel, By Steve Addison

    Movements That Change the World

    Five Keys to Spreading the Gospel

    by Steve Addison
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch and Bob Roberts Jr.

    When Jesus commissioned his followers, he was not just inaugurating the historical church, he was founding a missionary movement.Originally released by Missional Press and now revised and expanded to include a multi-session discussion guide, Steve Addison's Movements That Change the World draws from biblical, historical and contemporary case studies to isolate the essential elements of ...

  • The New Global Mission: The Gospel from Everywhere to Everyone, By Samuel Escobar

    The New Global Mission

    The Gospel from Everywhere to Everyone

    by Samuel Escobar

    Christian mission is no longer a matter of missionaries from the West going to the rest of the world. Rather, the growth of Christianity in Latin America, Africa and parts of Asia is eclipsing that of the Western church. In the third millennium of the Christian era, Christian mission is truly global, with missionaries from all places going to all peoples. Veteran missiologist Samuel Escobar ...