Showing 1121 - 1130 of 2911 results

  • Apocrypha, Edited by Sever Voicu


    Volume 15

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Sever Voicu
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    While the canonical status of the Greek and Latin Old Testament texts commented on within this volume has been understood differently within Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox traditions, their longstanding use within the Christian churches makes them worthy of careful study and reflection. As noted in the Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, Jerome says that the church ...

  • Apocrypha, Edited by Sever Voicu


    Volume 15

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Sever Voicu
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    While the canonical status of the Greek and Latin Old Testament texts commented on within this volume has been understood differently within Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox traditions, their longstanding use within the Christian churches makes them worthy of careful study and reflection. As noted in the Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, Jerome says that the church ...

  • Care for the Soul: Exploring the Intersection of Psychology  Theology, Edited by Mark R. McMinn and Timothy R. Phillips

    Care for the Soul

    Exploring the Intersection of Psychology Theology

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Mark R. McMinn and Timothy R. Phillips

    "This volume explores the intersection of psychology and theology, but it is not a simple intersection. It is an intersection affected by rich theological and ecclesiological traditions, by the ravages and wonders of modern psychology, and by the character and qualities of today's ministers and communities of faith." (from the introduction) For two millennia Christians have been caring ...

  • Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation, By M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

    Invitation to a Journey

    A Road Map for Spiritual Formation

    Transforming Resources

    by M. Robert Mulholland Jr.
    Introduction & Study Guide by Ruth Haley Barton

    M. Robert Mulholland Jr. defines spiritual formation as "the process of being formed in the image of Christ for the sake of others." Compact and solid, this definition encompasses the dynamics of a vital Christian life and counters our culture's tendency to make spirituality a trivial matter or reduce it to a private affair between "me and Jesus."

    In Invitation to a Journey, Mulholland ...

  • Spiritual Conversations with Children: Listening to God Together, By Lacy Finn Borgo

    Spiritual Conversations with Children

    Listening to God Together

    by Lacy Finn Borgo

    We are born into this world with a natural longing to connect to God and other human beings. When children have a listening companion who hears, acknowledges, and encourages their early experiences with God, it creates a spiritual footprint that shapes their lives. How can we increase our capacity to engage children in spiritual conversations?

    In this book Lacy Finn Borgo ...

  • Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ, By Greg Ogden

    Discipleship Essentials

    A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ

    The Essentials Set

    by Greg Ogden

    The Essential Workbook for Spiritual Growth

    We grow in Christ as we seek him together. Jesus' own pattern of disciple-making was to be intimately involved with others and allow life to rub against life. By gathering in twos or threes to study the Bible and encourage one another, we most closely follow Jesus' example with the twelve disciples.

    This workbook by Greg Ogden ...

    Number of Studies: 25

  • An Explorer's Guide to Karl Barth, By David Guretzki

    An Explorer's Guide to Karl Barth

    Explorer's Guides

    by David Guretzki

    Anyone exploring a new territory knows the benefit of an experienced guide. A guide can make the difference between tiresome drudgery and a life-changing adventure. This is as true for exploring new thinkers and books as it is for places. If ever a theologian required a guide, it would be Karl Barth. His many writings have secured his place as the most significant theologian of the twentieth century. ...

  • Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context, Edited by Joseph R. Dodson and David E. Briones

    Paul and the Giants of Philosophy

    Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context

    Edited by Joseph R. Dodson and David E. Briones
    Foreword by John M. G. Barclay

    Biblical Foundations Award Finalist

    What forces shaped the intellectual world of the apostle Paul? How familiar was he with the great philosophers of his age, and to what extent was he influenced by them? When he quoted Greco-Roman sources, what was his aim?

    Pauline scholars wrestle with such questions in journal articles and technical monographs, but ...