Showing 1121 - 1130 of 1316 results

  • Social Psychology in Christian Perspective: Exploring the Human Condition, By Angela M. Sabates

    Social Psychology in Christian Perspective

    Exploring the Human Condition

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Angela M. Sabates

    Human social interaction is varied, complex and always changing. How we perceive each other and ourselves, how individuals interact within groups, and how groups are structured--all these are the domain of social psychology. Many have doubted, however, that a full-fledged social psychology textbook can successfully be written from a Christian perspective. Inevitably, some say, when attempting to ...

  • Resting Place: A Personal Guide to Spiritual Retreats, By Jane A. Rubietta

    Resting Place

    A Personal Guide to Spiritual Retreats

    by Jane A. Rubietta

    A personal retreat. We've never needed it more. We run from one place to the next--from meetings and appointments to our kid's soccer practice, from class to work to choir rehearsal, from the grocery store to small group--and then drop into bed later than we hoped, exhausted and dreading the morning. We want to slow down but don't know how and don't really believe that we can. And often, the idea ...

  • Psychology and Spiritual Formation in Dialogue: Moral and Spiritual Change in Christian Perspective, Edited by Thomas M. Crisp and Steven L. Porter and Gregg A. Ten Elshof

    Psychology and Spiritual Formation in Dialogue

    Moral and Spiritual Change in Christian Perspective

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    Edited by Thomas M. Crisp, Steven L. Porter, and Gregg A. Ten Elshof

    Can the phenomena of the human mind be separated from the practices of spiritual formation—of growing to have the mind of Christ? Research into the nature of moral and spiritual change has revived in recent years in the worlds of psychology on one hand and theology and philosophy on the other. But psychology and spiritual formation draw upon distinct bodies of research and theory ...

  • Embracing Evolution: How Understanding Science Can Strengthen Your Christian Life, By Matthew Nelson Hill

    Embracing Evolution

    How Understanding Science Can Strengthen Your Christian Life

    by Matthew Nelson Hill
    Foreword by J. Richard Middleton

    Christians often have a complicated relationship with science—especially when it comes to evolution. In recent years there has been an explosion in scientific understanding of evolutionary theory and its implications for human nature. Yet many Christians still see evolution as at best irrelevant to their faith and at worst threatening to it. Is it possible that adopting an evolutionary ...

  • Seven Lies About Sex, By Alice Fryling

    Seven Lies About Sex

    IVP Booklets

    by Alice Fryling

    Why should we wait for sex? How can we wait? And what if it's already too late? We believe what we want to, whether or not it is true. We buy into cultural lies about what to value and how to spend our time and resources. And when it comes to relationships, intimacy and sexuality, our culture almost always encourages us to choose the easy lie over the hard truth. The problem is that building relationships ...

  • Living Your Legacy: An Action-Packed Guide for the Later Years, By Sandy Larsen and Dale Larsen

    Living Your Legacy

    An Action-Packed Guide for the Later Years

    by Sandy Larsen and Dale Larsen

    No matter what stage of life we find ourselves in, we may wonder if what we've done with our time on earth bears any significance. But this question becomes especially important when our expectations for lifelong achievement and ability in later years come face to face with a reality that may not meet those lifelong hopes. It's common to ask, "Who am I now? How should I invest these years? Must ...

  • Evil and the Justice of God (with DVD), By N. T. Wright

    Evil and the Justice of God (with DVD)

    by N. T. Wright

    • Merit Award, 2007 Christianity Today Theology/Ethics Book
    With every earthquake and war, understanding the nature of evil and our response to it becomes more urgent. Evil is no longer the concern just of ministers and theologians but also of politicians and the media. We hear of child abuse, ethnic cleansing, AIDS, torture and terrorism, and rightfully we are ...
  • Christ Our Reconciler: Gospel, Church, World, Edited byJulia E. M. Cameron

    Christ Our Reconciler

    Gospel, Church, World

    Edited by Julia E. M. Cameron
    Foreword by S. Douglas Birdsall

    The Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, convened in 2010, was hailed as the most representative gathering of the global church in the history of Christianity. Thousands of delegates from almost 200 nations gathered to hear from God and each other, as they cast new vision for world evangelization in the third millennium. Global leaders grappled with the most significant issues facing ...

  • Portraits of God: A Biblical Theology of Holiness, By Allan Coppedge

    Portraits of God

    A Biblical Theology of Holiness

    by Allan Coppedge

    What is God like? Answering this is the great quest of human existence. Because God is so different from us, we struggle to describe him. While doctrinal statements about God certainly have their place in Christian understanding, the Bible more often uses God's actions and roles to help us know him better. Indeed, some of the most helpful insights in Scripture arise when God is compared to something ...

  • Positive Psychology in Christian Perspective: Foundations, Concepts, and Applications, By Charles Hackney

    Positive Psychology in Christian Perspective

    Foundations, Concepts, and Applications

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Charles Hackney

    "Some theories of [psychology] are based largely on the behavior of sick and anxious people or upon the antics of captive and desperate rats. Fewer theories have been derived from the study of healthy human beings, those who strive not so much to preserve life as to make it worth living. Thus we find . . . many studies of criminals, few of law-abiders; many of fear, few of courage; ...