Showing 1131 - 1140 of 2658 results

  • The Easy Burden of Pleasing God, By Patty Kirk

    The Easy Burden of Pleasing God

    by Patty Kirk

    "The trait that best typifies the students who break down in my office is their great unhappiness. They are believers. Of this I am sure. Certainly they are more diligent believers than I am, to judge from all the good things they are constantly doing. But they are miserable, every one of them. And, though they usually manage to get back on track . . . I know that, in their spiritual work lives, ...

  • The IVP Atlas of Bible History, By Paul Lawrence

    The IVP Atlas of Bible History

    Consulting Editor A. R. Millard and John H. Walton
    by Paul Lawrence
    Consulting Editor Heinrich Von Siebenthal

    Open Your Understanding of the World of Scripture

    The story of the Bible is inextricably linked to the land. To understand biblical history, we need to understand how the people, events, and geography interacted to form that ancient world.

    Spanning three thousand years of biblical history, The IVP Atlas of Bible History reveals the many fascinating ways that ...

  • First Theology: God, Scripture & Hermeneutics, By Kevin J. Vanhoozer

    First Theology

    God, Scripture & Hermeneutics

    by Kevin J. Vanhoozer

    "This is a book on theological hermeneutics. It is a plea for being hermeneutical about theology and for being theological about hermeneutics. It is an argument for treating the questions of God, Scripture and hermeneutics as one problem. This one problem defines what I call 'first theology.' " (from the Preface) In thirteen chapters, Kevin Vanhoozer explores various dimensions of doing first theology ...

  • Ed Stetzer, executive director of the Billy Graham Center and the Billy Graham Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College, will publish two books with InterVarsity Press on the past, present, future, and trends of evangelicalism. The first book is set to release in the spring of 2019.

  • Barefoot Study Guide, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    Barefoot Study Guide

    Sensible Shoes Series

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    The journeys of Hannah, Meg, Charissa, and Mara take unexpected turns in Barefoot, the third book of the Sensible Shoes series. In this study guide author Sharon Garlough Brown has crafted a practical resource to help you process the characters' stories and explore the novel's spiritual formation themes more deeply. You'll find twelve weeks of daily Scripture readings, ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • More than one hundred people came through the Johnsen & Taylor bookstore in Wheaton, Illinois, on January 29 to celebrate the launch of the Biblical Imagination Series from award-winning musician and author Michael Card, published by InterVarsity Press. Luke: The Gospel of Amazement and its companion CD, Luke: A World Turned Upside Down, are the first of four books and CDs in a series that invites readers and listeners alike to enter Scripture the way Card has done for years—through the imagination.

  • Women's viewpoints, experiences, and stories are important. Books on this list celebrate the triumphs of women around the world, honoring their leadership and contributions to culture, the academy, and the church. Some books also dig into the dark realities and barriers that many women face, from violence and abuse to questions about calling, ministry, and relationships. Reading is a great way to lift up and learn from these important voices.