Showing 1161 - 1170 of 3945 results

  • 5511
    product set

    Questions in Christian Philosophy

    How do we know? What should we do? What is real? What is art?

    Philosophy, which means "the love of wisdom," asks such questions in its pursuit of knowledge and understanding of all facets of life: existence, knowledge, ethics, art, and more. But what does it mean for Christians to pursue wisdom when Scripture affirms that the crucified and risen Christ is "the wisdom of God" ...

  • The Radical Disciple: Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling, By John Stott

    The Radical Disciple

    Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling

    by John Stott

    What is a life of radical discipleship? At the root, it means we let Jesus set the agenda of our lives. We aren't selective. We don't pick and choose what is congenial and stay away from what is costly. No. He is Lord of all of life. In the last book by the leading evangelical churchman of the twentieth century, John Stott opens up what it means to truly be a follower of Jesus. In a refreshing ...

  • The Message of Hosea, By Derek Kidner

    The Message of Hosea

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Derek Kidner

    Why would God ask one of his prophets to marry a prostitute? Because he wanted to teach Hosea, the nation of Israel, and all of us today a lesson we will not forget, a lesson that is painful yet joyous.

    Hosea's somber portrait of the human condition is our lesson in pain. All of us have been unfaithful, forsaking God and his ways. Yet Hosea's clear illustration of God's love ...

  • The Message of Malachi, By Peter Adam

    The Message of Malachi

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Peter Adam

    The book of Malachi fittingly sits in Christian Bibles as the last book of the Old Testament, which it assumes, summarizes, and applies. Yet it also looks forward to the New Testament with its promises of the coming reign of God.

    A striking feature of the book is the people of God's inconsistent faithfulness. God's people neither serve God wholeheartedly nor turn entirely ...

  • Your Calling Here and Now: Making Sense of Vocation, By Gordon T. Smith Your Calling Here and Now: Making Sense of Vocation, By Gordon T. Smith

    Your Calling Here and Now

    Making Sense of Vocation

    by Gordon T. Smith

    Our vocation is the outworking of how God has made us. It is not a goal on the horizon but a present reality that we are called to discern and explore. However, in the midst of our daily lives, finding meaning can prove both difficult and elusive, and we are often left wondering if we are missing out on God's purpose for our lives.

    Gordon Smith invites us to reflect on our ...

  • In Search of Ancient Roots: The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis, By Kenneth J. Stewart

    In Search of Ancient Roots

    The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis

    by Kenneth J. Stewart

    • 15th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Also Recommended in Theology
    • 2017 The Gospel Coalition Book Award
    • Jesus Creed Book of the Year 2017, Church History

    Protestant evangelicalism is in crisis. Today it is increasingly difficult for Protestants to identify what counts as distinctively Protestant, much less what ...

  • A0837

    In Search of Ancient Roots

    The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis

    by Kenneth J. Stewart

    The Gospel Coalition Book Award; Jesus Creed Book of the Year in Church History

    Protestant evangelicalism is in crisis.

    As evangelicals increasingly lose contact with the churches and traditions descending from the Reformation, it becomes harder to explain why one should remain committed to the Reformation in the face of perceived Protestant deficits ...

  • Judges and Ruth: An Introduction and Commentary, By Mary J. Evans

    Judges and Ruth

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Mary J. Evans

    The book of Judges presents Israel’s frailty, the nation’s need for deliverance, and God’s use of flawed leaders to guide his chosen people through a dark period of their history. The book of Ruth tells a smaller story within this narrative, showing God quietly at work in the lives of a few individuals. Mary Evans’s replacement Tyndale commentary places each book in its historical and canonical ...