Showing 111 - 120 of 3822 results

  • Just How Married Do You Want to Be?: Practicing Oneness in Marriage, By Jim Sumner and Sarah Sumner

    Just How Married Do You Want to Be?

    Practicing Oneness in Marriage

    by Jim Sumner and Sarah Sumner

    Men Are from Strip Clubs. Women Are from Seminary. Jim and Sarah Sumner met at church. Jim, a new Christian and former male stripper, impressed Sarah with his desire to grow in his faith and to see people meet the God he had met. Sarah, a Ph.D. in theology and a division leader in evangelism, impressed Jim with her depth of knowledge and heart for discipleship. Their mutual admiration slowly turned ...

  • How I Changed My Mind About Evolution: Evangelicals Reflect on Faith and Science, Edited by Kathryn Applegate and J. B. Stump

    How I Changed My Mind About Evolution

    Evangelicals Reflect on Faith and Science

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    Edited by Kathryn Applegate and J. B. Stump
    Foreword by Deborah Haarsma

    Perhaps no topic appears as potentially threatening to evangelicals as evolution. The very idea seems to exclude God from the creation the book of Genesis celebrates. Yet many evangelicals have come to accept the conclusions of science while still holding to a vigorous belief in God and the Bible. How did they make this journey? How did they come to embrace both evolution and faith? Here are ...

  • Mapping Church Missions: A Compass for Ministry Strategy, By Sharon R. Hoover

    Mapping Church Missions

    A Compass for Ministry Strategy

    by Sharon R. Hoover
    Foreword by Paul Borthwick

    The terrain of church missions is often bewildering. Should we prioritize evangelism or works of service? Local ministries or overseas missions? What's more important: giving our money or giving our time? Crisis relief or building sustainable, long-term ministries? And what about the often debated pros and cons of short-term missions trips? In Mapping Church Missions, ...

  • Exploring Christian Doctrine: A Guide to What Christians Believe, By Tony Lane

    Exploring Christian Doctrine

    A Guide to What Christians Believe

    Exploring Topics in Christianity Series

    by Tony Lane

    • Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Theology)

    This reliable and highly readable textbook provides comprehensive coverage of core Christian beliefs. Based on the author's introductory Christian doctrine course, the book rests firmly on biblical foundations while providing a balanced discussion of areas where evangelicals ...

  • 4230
    product set

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    General Editor Leon L. Morris
    Series edited by Eckhard J. Schnabel
    Consulting Editor Nicholas Perrin

    The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world's most distinguished evangelical scholars, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable and relevant explanations of every book in the New Testament. You can also find Tyndale Commentaries ...

  • What Do We Know About Jesus?, By James Emery White

    What Do We Know About Jesus?

    IVP Booklets

    by James Emery White

    Many today doubt that we can really know anything reliable about Jesus. Are Christian claims about Jesus even plausible? James Emery White responds to common questions.

  • Burn Up or Splash Down: Surviving the Culture Shock of Re-Entry, By Marion Knell

    Burn Up or Splash Down

    Surviving the Culture Shock of Re-Entry

    by Marion Knell

    Just like a space shuttle struggles and strains to re-enter the earth's atmosphere, so those returning from living overseas can find themselves confused and in a state of panic at coming home. While people anticipate that going overseas will require major changes in their lifestyles and thinking, few anticipate the difficulties they will face upon return. Intended to aid the re-entry process, this ...