Showing 1191 - 1200 of 2701 results

  • Released from Shame: Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past, By Sandra D. Wilson

    Released from Shame

    Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past

    by Sandra D. Wilson

    Do you feel

    • that your problem is not what you do but who you are?
    • caught in patterns of destructive relationships?
    • that you never get enough affirmation?
    • afraid you'll pass bad patterns along to your children?
    • that God probably loves you less than others?

    If these questions fit you, you may be experiencing shame. Often shame ...

  • Living Without Enemies: Being Present in the Midst of Violence, By Samuel Wells and Marcia A. Owen

    Living Without Enemies

    Being Present in the Midst of Violence

    Resources for Reconciliation

    by Samuel Wells and Marcia A. Owen

    With senseless violence occurring throughout society, people are suffering and communities are groaning. Fear and not knowing where to begin hold many back from doing anything at all. But is "doing something" really what is most needed? Marcia Owen and Samuel Wells come together to tell the story of a community's journey through four different dimensions of social engagement. After attempts to ...

  • Reconcilable Differences: Hope and Healing for Troubled Marriages, By Virginia Todd Holeman

    Reconcilable Differences

    Hope and Healing for Troubled Marriages

    by Virginia Todd Holeman

    What does it take to really make right a severely damaged relationship? When going back to how things were is not nearly good enough, is there hope for true transformation and healing? Counselor and teacher Virginia Todd Holeman weaves together biblical insight and rich theological reflection while drawing from the best of current psychological studies on forgiveness, repentance and reconciling. ...

  • Relational Masks: Removing the Barriers That Keep Us Apart, By Russell Willingham

    Relational Masks

    Removing the Barriers That Keep Us Apart

    by Russell Willingham

    The Avoider. The Deflector. The Self-Blamer. The Aggressor. Recognize someone you know? Or yourself? We all know people who seem to get stuck in unhealthy patterns of relating to others. Sometimes we're puzzled by a loved one's evasiveness or surprised by a friend's defensive aggression. Occasionally we look in the mirror and see such troubling behaviors in ourselves. All of these are masks that ...

  • Refuge from Abuse: Healing and Hope for Abused Christian Women, By Nancy Nason-Clark and Catherine Clark Kroeger

    Refuge from Abuse

    Healing and Hope for Abused Christian Women

    by Nancy Nason-Clark and Catherine Clark Kroeger

    Abuse is ugly. It is always wrong. It is never part of God?s design for healthy family living. It distorts relationships and shatters dreams. It creates pain and despair. It never produces hope.You know this all too well--that's why you've picked up this book. Nancy Nason-Clark and Catherine Clark Kroeger know the pain of women who have been abused, especially the unique pain ...

  • Inner Healing: A Handbook for Helping Yourself and Others, By Mike T. Flynn and Douglas H. Gregg

    Inner Healing

    A Handbook for Helping Yourself and Others

    by Mike T. Flynn and Douglas H. Gregg

    This straightforward handbook by Mike Flynn and Doug Gregg shows how God can set a new course for our lives and provides us all the tools necessary to embark on a journey of inner healing. Writing from a biblical perspective which seeks to correct common myths and misunderstandings about this vital ministry, Flynn and Gregg's work will be valued both by those who want to help their hurting friends ...

  • Marriage Counseling: A Christian Approach to Counseling Couples, By Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Marriage Counseling

    A Christian Approach to Counseling Couples

    by Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Marriages are in trouble today. That is clear. Effective mothods of combating this trend are less evident. Counselors, pastors and social workers need more than mere theories or mere moralizing. They need a practical and comprehensive model for understanding couples and their problems. They need a throughly Christian perspective that is biblical, compassionate and human. Everett Worthington provides ...

  • Politics for Christians: Statecraft as Soulcraft, By Francis J. Beckwith

    Politics for Christians

    Statecraft as Soulcraft

    Christian Worldview Integration Series

    by Francis J. Beckwith

    Politics is concerned with citizenship and the administration of justice--how communities are formed and governed. The role of Christians in the political process is hotly contested, but as citizens, Francis Beckwith argues, Christians have a rich heritage of sophisticated thought, as well as a genuine responsibility, to contribute to the shaping of public policy.

    In particular, Beckwith addresses ...

  • Portraits of a Radical Disciple: Recollections of John Stott's Life and Ministry, Edited byChristopher J. H. Wright

    Portraits of a Radical Disciple

    Recollections of John Stott's Life and Ministry

    Edited by Christopher J. H. Wright
    Featuring John Stott

    John Stott has been a giant on the landscape of the worldwide church for more than half a century. Here, however, are almost three dozen brief, very human-sized portraits of a man who has been a radical disciple of Jesus all those years. One of the outstanding gifts that God gave to John Stott was an incredible capacity for friendship. Never did the word single seem less appropriate than ...

  • Telling the Gospel Through Story: Evangelism That Keeps Hearers Wanting More, By Christine Dillon

    Telling the Gospel Through Story

    Evangelism That Keeps Hearers Wanting More

    by Christine Dillon

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    Everybody loves a good story.

    In an age when prepackaged gospel formulations leave people cold, well-told Bible stories can be used powerfully by God to touch people's hearts and draw them to himself.

    After ministry in both Western and non-Western contexts, church planter Christine Dillon has discovered ...