Showing 1211 - 1220 of 1595 results

  • The Man Born to be King: Wade Annotated Edition, By Dorothy L. Sayers

    The Man Born to be King

    Wade Annotated Edition

    by Dorothy L. Sayers
    Edited by Kathryn Wehr

    From December 1941 until October 1942, the BBC broadcast a series of radio dramas written by Dorothy L. Sayers. Against the backdrop of World War II, the plays presented twelve episodes in the life and ministry of Jesus, from the visit of the magi to his death and resurrection, collectively affirming the kingship of Christ.

    Noted for their use of colloquial English as part ...

  • Numbers: An Introduction and Commentary, By Gordon J. Wenham


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Gordon J. Wenham

    "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" is one of the best-known hymns in the world. Yet the book of numbers, whose story that hymn summarizes, is seldom read. Why? "Its very title puts the modern reader off," writes Gordon Wenham. "In ancient time numbers were seen as mysterious and symbolic, a key to reality and the mind of God himself. Today they are associated with computers and the depersonalization ...

  • When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity, By Grace Ji-Sun Kim

    When God Became White

    Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity

    by Grace Ji-Sun Kim
    Foreword by David P. Gushee

    When Western Christians think about God, the default image that comes to mind is usually white and male. How did that happen?

    Christianity is rooted in the ancient Near East among people of darker skin. But over time, European Christians cast Jesus in their own image, with art that imagined a fair-skinned Savior in the style of imperial rulers. Grace Ji-Sun Kim explores the ...

  • and its affiliated blogs, social media pages and feeds, and opt-in email newsletters (individually and collectively referred to as, the "Site") is brought to you by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA d/b/a InterVarsity Press, an Illinois not-for-profit religious corporation ("IVP" or "we" or "us"). 

  • Discovering Soul Care, By Mindy Caliguire

    Discovering Soul Care

    by Mindy Caliguire

    If we look at the spiritual life through the lens of a marathon, we will discover that many of us are nearing exhaustion. We may not be on the sidelines or stumbling noticeably, but we are dangerously low on reserves, running on fumes. We aren't sure that we've got what it takes to get to the end of the race. If you identify with the image of a fainting runner, then this book will come as refreshing ...

  • Spiritual Rhythms in Community: Being Together in the Presence of God, By Keith Meyer

    Spiritual Rhythms in Community

    Being Together in the Presence of God

    by Keith Meyer

    • 2012 Midwest Publishing Association Crystal Book Award winner

    Jesus had rhythm. His regular patterns of withdrawing from life to have intimate time with his Father and then embracing and entering into rich relationships with others allowed him to carry out his enormous mission with wisdom, grace and authentic love. In the midst of busy, full lives, ...

  • 1 Corinthians, Edited by Scott M. Manetsch

    1 Corinthians

    New Testament Volume 9A

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Scott M. Manetsch

    In his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul writes, "I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures" (1 Cor 15:3-4 ESV). Reflecting on Paul's summary of the gospel, sixteenth-century biblical commentator, theologian, ...

  • Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, By Andy Crouch

    Playing God

    Redeeming the Gift of Power

    by Andy Crouch

    Midwest Publishing Association Award of Excellence

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    ForeWord Book of the Year Award Honorable Mention

    Power corrupts—as we've seen time and time again. People too often abuse their power and play god in the lives of others. Shady politicians, corrupt executives and ego-filled ...

  • Single, Gay, Christian: A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity, By Gregory Coles

    Single, Gay, Christian

    A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity

    by Gregory Coles
    Foreword by Wesley Hill

    Foreword INDIES Award Finalist
    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    In an age where neither society nor the church knows what to do with gay Christians, Greg Coles tells his own story.

    Let's make a deal, you and me. Let's make promises to each other.

    I promise to tell you my story. The whole story. I'll tell you about a boy in love with Jesus who, at the ...