Showing 1251 - 1260 of 3340 results

  • Intercultural Theology, Volume Three: A Theology of Interreligious Relations, By Henning Wrogemann

    Intercultural Theology, Volume Three

    A Theology of Interreligious Relations

    Missiological Engagements

    by Henning Wrogemann

    Ten Outstanding Books in Mission Studies, World Christianity and Intercultural Theology for 2019 — International Bulletin of Mission Research (IBMR)

    Christianity is not only a global but also an intercultural phenomenon.

    In this third volume of his three-volume Intercultural Theology, Henning Wrogemann proposes that we need to go beyond ...

  • A Spirituality of Listening: Living What We Hear, By Keith R. Anderson

    A Spirituality of Listening

    Living What We Hear

    by Keith R. Anderson
    Foreword by Dan B. Allender

    • 2016 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    "Biblical spirituality . . . asserts that God is not done with the business of revelation and creation but instead continues to have something to say and something yet to be accomplished in the very culture that isn't sure if God is done speaking." So begins Keith Anderson as he invites us on a journey to relearn how to listen. "My ...

  • New Testament Theology and Ethics, By Ben Witherington III

    New Testament Theology and Ethics

    New Testament Theology and Ethics

    by Ben Witherington III

    All too often, argues Ben Witherington, the theology of the New Testament has been divorced from its ethics, leaving as isolated abstractions what are fully integrated, dynamic elements within the New Testament itself. As Witherington stresses, "behavior affects and reinforces or undoes belief." Previously published as The Indelible Image, Volume 2, Witherington offers the second of a ...

  • Head, Heart and Hands: Bringing Together Christian Thought, Passion and Action, By Dennis P. Hollinger

    Head, Heart and Hands

    Bringing Together Christian Thought, Passion and Action

    by Dennis P. Hollinger

    As Christians, we are to love God with all of our being--heart, mind, soul and strength. But many of us tend to overemphasize one aspect or another, and as a result, our faith becomes imbalanced. Some of us have an intellectual faith but lack compassion or spiritual discipline. Others of us have a vibrant, heartfelt relationship with God but lack commitment to truth or doctrine. And many of us ...

  • The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness: Reading Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel as Christian Scripture, Edited by Andrew T. Abernethy and William R. Osborne and Paul D. Wegner

    The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness

    Reading Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel as Christian Scripture

    Edited by Andrew T. Abernethy, William R. Osborne, and Paul D. Wegner
    Contributions by Nicholas G. Piotrowski, Mark S. Gignilliat, John N. Oswalt, Dana M. Harris, Gary E. Yates, Lissa M. Wray Beal, Andrew G. Shead, Philip Graham Ryken, Alicia R. Jackson, John W. Hilber, Iain M. Duguid, and Daniel I. Block

    How should Christians read prophetic literature? Questions abound both in the academy and the church as to how to engage the prophets, particularly in light of the New Testament. The Gospel writers and the church fathers all read and appealed to the Old Testament, but are we as modern-day readers supposed to take the same approach? The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness ...

  • The Leadership Ellipse: Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are, By Robert A. Fryling

    The Leadership Ellipse

    Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are

    by Robert A. Fryling
    Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

    Everyone in a position of responsibility knows the tension of leadership. It may be between tasks or people, money or mission, the present or the future. One often neglected tension is between our inner spiritual longings and the outward needs of the group we lead. But we need not feel forced to choose between the two. Leadership has more in common with an ellipse with two focal points than a bull's-eye ...

  • 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles

    New Testament Volume 5

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    "Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts.'" (1 Samuel 17:45) Reflecting upon David's victory over Goliath, Reformation translator, theologian and commentator William Tyndale compared it to Christ's victory over sin and death: "When David had killed Goliath the giant, glad tidings came ...

  • The Nazarene: Forty Devotions on the Lyrical Life of Jesus, By Michael Card

    The Nazarene

    Forty Devotions on the Lyrical Life of Jesus

    by Michael Card

    Jesus' life is a song that still resonates down through the ages. His deeds and words speak with beauty and mystery, both comforting and confounding us. Who is this man?

    Over the course of his career, singer-songwriter Michael Card has explored the depths of Scripture by bringing together biblical study and the power of the imagination. Now he sheds light on the life of Jesus ...

    Number of Studies: 40