Showing 1271 - 1280 of 2020 results

  • His Face like Mine: Finding God's Love in Our Wounds, By Russell W. Joyce

    His Face like Mine

    Finding God's Love in Our Wounds

    by Russell W. Joyce

    Have you ever tasted true freedom?

    Russell Joyce was born with a rare craniofacial disorder called Goldenhar syndrome, where the left side of his face was not formed. Years of patchwork surgeries made him more outwardly presentable, but not without deep pain and physical and emotional scars. But a life-changing encounter broke through to him with a power he never thought ...

  • An Infinite Fountain of Light: Jonathan Edwards for the Twenty-First Century, By George M. Marsden

    An Infinite Fountain of Light

    Jonathan Edwards for the Twenty-First Century

    by George M. Marsden

    Christians need to pause once in a while to get their bearings. For perspective on our own times and how we got here, it helps to listen to wise guides from other eras. In An Infinite Fountain of Light, the renowned American historian George Marsden illuminates the landscape with wisdom from one such mentor: Jonathan Edwards.

    Drawing on his deep expertise on Edwards ...

  • Commentary on John, By Cyril of Alexandria

    Commentary on John

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Cyril of Alexandria
    Translated by David R. Maxwell
    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    Cyril of Alexandria (ca. 378-444), one of the most brilliant representatives of the Alexandrian theological tradition, is best known for championing the term Theotokos (God-bearer) in opposition to Nestorius of Constantinople. Cyril's great Commentary on John, offered here in the Ancient Christian Texts series in two volumes, predates the Nestorian controversy and focuses its theological ...

  • The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog, By James W. Sire

    The Universe Next Door

    A Basic Worldview Catalog

    by James W. Sire
    Foreword by Jim Hoover

    Your Trusted Introduction to the Worldviews That Shape the Western World

    For more than forty years, The Universe Next Door has set the standard for a clear, readable introduction to worldviews. Using his widely influential model of eight basic worldview questions, James Sire examines prominent worldviews that have shaped the Western world:

    • theism
    • deism
    • naturalism
    • Marxism
    • nihilism
    • existentialism
    • Eastern ...
  • Plundered: The Tangled Roots of Racial and Environmental Injustice, By David W. Swanson


    The Tangled Roots of Racial and Environmental Injustice

    by David W. Swanson

    Two of the world's greatest crises, systemic racism and environmental destruction, share the same origin story. The two are rooted in economic forces that exploit and oppress both people and land.

    Pastor David Swanson shows how we have failed our God-given duty as caretakers of creation and how that failure has resulted in the exploitation of people and the extraction of natural ...

  • Global Christianity and Islam: Exploring History, Politics, and Beliefs, By Wafik W. Wahba

    Global Christianity and Islam

    Exploring History, Politics, and Beliefs

    by Wafik W. Wahba

    A Comprehensive Overview of Christianity and Islam

    Together, the adherents of Christianity and Islam make up over half of the world's population, and their numbers are expected to keep growing. The influence of these two faiths—and their relations with each other—is seen in politics, economics, and social interactions. Religious identity and aspirations remain powerful and ...

  • Christian History in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic, By Jennifer Woodruff Tait

    Christian History in Seven Sentences

    A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic

    Introductions in Seven Sentences

    by Jennifer Woodruff Tait

    The history of the Christian church is a fascinating story.

    Since the ascension of Jesus and the birth of the church at Pentecost, the followers of Christ have experienced persecution and martyrdom, established orthodoxy and orthopraxy, endured internal division and social upheaval, and sought to proclaim the good news "to the end of the earth." How can we possibly begin to ...