Showing 1281 - 1290 of 1595 results

  • Paul and First-Century Letter Writing: Secretaries, Composition and Collection, By E. Randolph Richards

    Paul and First-Century Letter Writing

    Secretaries, Composition and Collection

    by E. Randolph Richards

    Traditional Christian art depicts Paul the letter writer, pen in hand, attentive to the Spirit. We might think we know better and imagine him pacing in agitation as he rapidly dictates to a secretary his letter to the Galatians. But in reality neither of these pictures is accurate. In Paul's day, producing a letter was a time-consuming and costly business. And we have ample resources from the ancient ...

  • Science & Its Limits: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective, By Del Ratzsch

    Science & Its Limits

    The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective

    Contours of Christian Philosophy

    by Del Ratzsch

    Science, especially naturalistic science, has come under fire of late. No longer does it command the near universal respect it once held. From the right has come a fresh attack on Darwinism and arguments for intelligent design. From the left postmodern theorists have attacked the very notion of objective truth claims, scientific or otherwise.

    Into the fray Del Ratzsch breathes a breath of ...

  • The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views, Edited by Robert G. Clouse

    The Meaning of the Millennium

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Robert G. Clouse
    Contributions by George Eldon Ladd, Herman A. Hoyt, Loraine Boettner, and Anthony A. Hoekema

    Christ is coming again.

    Since the first century, Christians have agreed that Christ will return. But since that time there have also been many disagreements. How will Christ return? When will he return? What sort of kingdom will he establish? What is the meaning of the millennium? These questions persist today.

    Four major views on the millennium have had both a long ...

  • Is the New Testament Reliable?, By Paul Barnett

    Is the New Testament Reliable?

    by Paul Barnett

    The historical claims of the New Testament--that Jesus performed miracles, fulfilled prophecy, died and rose again, and ascended into heaven--come to us as received tradition, and we receive them in faith, trusting that the New Testament is indeed an inspired collection of writings, that it indeed tells us the truth. Increasingly, the reliability of not just the New Testament but really any ...

  • Christ, Our Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Justification, By Mark A. Seifrid

    Christ, Our Righteousness

    Paul's Theology of Justification

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Mark A. Seifrid
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Since the time of the Reformation, considerable attention has been given to the theme of justification in the thought of the apostle Paul. The ground-breaking work of E. P. Sanders in Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977) introduced the "new perspective on Paul," provoking an ongoing debate which is now dominated by major protagonists. Foundational theological issues are at stake. In this ...

  • Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views, Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy

    Divine Foreknowledge

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy
    Contributions by Gregory A. Boyd, David Hunt, William Lane Craig, and Paul Helm

    The question of the nature of God's foreknowledge and how that relates to human freedom has been pondered and debated by Christian theologians at least since the time of Augustine. And the issue will not go away.

    More recently, the terms of the debate have shifted, and the issue has taken on new urgency with the theological proposal known as the openness of God. This view ...

  • The Last Things, By David Höhne

    The Last Things

    Contours of Christian Theology

    by David Höhne

    There is no shortage of books on eschatology—the study of the last things and the end-times. Many arise out of incoherent or superficial readings of the Bible that detract from the "once and for all" achievements of God through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Others fail to consider the manner in which God reveals himself through the Lord Jesus and by the power of his Spirit. Too many ...

  • The Advent of the Lamb of God, By Russ Ramsey

    The Advent of the Lamb of God

    Retelling the Story Series

    by Russ Ramsey

    "A page in history was about to turn. Though Israel's world was in the throes of upheaval, it was only a matter of time before the sun of righteousness would rise. These people needed rescue, but they weren't waiting for the stars to align or for the political climate to change. They were waiting for God. They were on his timetable. He was sending his Messiah—Immanuel, God with us." For ...

    Number of Studies: 25