Showing 121 - 130 of 1595 results

  • Genesis in Space and Time, By Francis A. Schaeffer Genesis in Space and Time, By Francis A. Schaeffer

    Genesis in Space and Time

    by Francis A. Schaeffer

    Genesis is a book of orgins--the orgin of the universe, the origin of life and the origin of man. It places man in his cosmic setting, shows his particular uniquness, explains his wonder and his flaw, and begins to trace the flow of human history through space and time. Many today, however, view this book as a collection of myths, useful for understanding the Hebrew mind, perhaps, but vertainly ...

  • Leadership for a Time of Pandemic: Practicing Resilience, By Tod Bolsinger Leadership for a Time of Pandemic: Practicing Resilience, By Tod Bolsinger

    Leadership for a Time of Pandemic

    Practicing Resilience

    by Tod Bolsinger

    In just a few weeks, everything changed. Hopes that we would soon return to normal quickly faded as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world. Christian leaders have been forced to deal with the loss of in-person gatherings, devastating financial hits, and the heightened anxiety of facing a future with no clear understanding of what it may look like. What does ministry require now? ...

  • God and the Cosmos: Divine Activity in Space, Time and History, By Harry Lee Poe and Jimmy H. Davis

    God and the Cosmos

    Divine Activity in Space, Time and History

    by Harry Lee Poe and Jimmy H. Davis

    Theologian Harry Lee Poe and chemist Jimmy H. Davis argue that God?s interaction with our world is a possibility affirmed equally by the Bible and the contemporary scientific record. In Part One, the authors conduct a comparative study of the Christian model with other religious and philosophical depictions to show that the biblical God interacts with the physical universe in a truly novel way. ...

  • Hard Sayings of Paul, By Manfred Brauch

    Hard Sayings of Paul

    The Hard Sayings Series

    by Manfred Brauch

    The apostle Paul makes clear the central truths of Christianity. But sometimes he leaves us puzzled. As Peter said so long ago, Paul's "letters contain some things that are hard to understand." Is the law good? Is it better to be single or married? Is God really just? What wil happen to the Jews? Should women be allowed to teach? Seldom have the questions become easier over time. Manfred ...

  • Busyness: Finding God in the Whirlwind, By Juanita Ryan


    Finding God in the Whirlwind

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Juanita Ryan

    "How have you been?" a friend asks. "Busy," we say. Much of our busyness is necessary to our survival or to the wellbeing of others and ourselves. In the whirlwind of our lives, however, it may seem impossible to focus beyond the noise of daily demands. We long for a greater awareness of God with us. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study explores ways of conversing with God in ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • IVP author Jean Vanier has been awarded the Templeton Prize, valued at $1.7 million. Vanier is the author, with Stanley Hauerwas, of Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness, and the founder of L'Arche, an international network of communities where people with and without learning disabilities experience life together as fellow human beings who share a mutuality of care and need. Started in 1964, L'Arche, French for "The Ark," now includes 147 communities in 35 nations and 1,500 Faith and Light support groups in 82 nations.

  • Called: The Crisis and Promise of Following Jesus Today, By Mark Labberton


    The Crisis and Promise of Following Jesus Today

    by Mark Labberton

    The most urgent call upon God?s people is to live as followers of Jesus. The most indicting critique against the church is as simple: its failure to do so. As the leader of an evangelical theological seminary that trains men and women as leaders for the church and society, Mark Labberton writes: "People ask many questions about how their lives relate to the world. What are our lives in this ...