Showing 1301 - 1310 of 2863 results

  • Race and Place: How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation, By David P. Leong

    Race and Place

    How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation

    by David P. Leong
    Foreword by Soong-Chan Rah

    Geography matters. We long for diverse, thriving neighborhoods and churches, yet racial injustices persist. Why? Because geographic structures and systems create barriers to reconciliation and prevent the flourishing of our communities. Race and Place reveals the profound ways in which these geographic forces and structures sustain the divisions among us. Urban missiologist ...

  • Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations, By Gregory E. Ganssle

    Our Deepest Desires

    How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations

    by Gregory E. Ganssle

    As human beings, we are created with desires. We all long for meaningful relationships, lives that reflect goodness, engagements with beauty, and the freedom to pursue our lives with integrity. But where can our restless hearts find fulfillment for these universal longings? Philosopher and apologist Greg Ganssle argues that our widely shared human aspirations are best understood and explained ...

  • The Sisters' Guide to In-Depth Bible Study, By Victoria L. Johnson

    The Sisters' Guide to In-Depth Bible Study

    by Victoria L. Johnson

    Do you want to study the Bible on your own but find yourself overwhelmed by complicated, cumbersome study methods? Are you a group leader looking for exciting resources to bring new life to your teaching? Is your time in the Word dry and lifeless, or do you find Scripture hard to understand? Victoria Johnson--a busy speaker, teacher, author and mother--has discovered an easy-to-follow method ...

  • The Last Things: Resurrection, Judgment, Glory, By Donald G. Bloesch

    The Last Things

    Resurrection, Judgment, Glory

    Christian Foundations

    by Donald G. Bloesch

    In The Last Things Donald G. Bloesch takes up difficult and sometimes controversial themes such as the coming of the kingdom of God, the return of Jesus Christ, the life hereafter, the millennial hope, the final judgment, hell, heaven, purgatory and paradise. Wrestling with biblical texts that often take metaphorical form, Bloesch avoids rationalistic reductionism as well as timid agnosticism. ...

  • The Wood Between the Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross, By Brian Zahnd

    The Wood Between the Worlds

    A Poetic Theology of the Cross

    by Brian Zahnd

    Experience the Kaleidoscopic Mystery of the Cross

    Everything about the gospel message leads to the cross, and proceeds from the cross. In fact, within the narrative of Scripture, the crucifixion of Jesus is literally the crux of the story—the axis upon which the biblical story turns. But it would be a mistake to think we could sum up the significance of ...

  • Hopecasting: Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen, By Mark Oestreicher Hopecasting: Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen, By Mark Oestreicher


    Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen

    by Mark Oestreicher
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    Why are some people full of hope, while many of us struggle to get past the snooze alarm? Hope often seems elusive—both to explain and to experience. So we find ourselves instead clinging to lesser substitutes. From self-medication to lazy clichés, we apply these balms to our pain and experience little to no comfort. But we know, in our guts, that these replacements aren?t the hope-filled lives ...

  • Hope Has Its Reasons: The Search to Satisfy Our Deepest Longings, By Rebecca Manley Pippert

    Hope Has Its Reasons

    The Search to Satisfy Our Deepest Longings

    by Rebecca Manley Pippert

    You long for love and happiness. But so often you are blocked from satisfying that longing. What are the barriers? Why are they so troublesome? How does spirituality play a role? Rebecca Manley Pippert examines these persistently human questions in this thoughtful and personal book. She invites you to join her on a journey exploring the region between faith and unbelief where your hopes and doubts ...

  • Old-Earth or Evolutionary Creation?: Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos, Edited by Kenneth Keathley and J. B. Stump and Joe Aguirre

    Old-Earth or Evolutionary Creation?

    Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    Edited by Kenneth Keathley, J. B. Stump, and Joe Aguirre

    • Jesus Creed Book of the Year 2017, Science and Faith

    Christians confess that God created the heavens and the earth. But they are divided over how God created and whether the Bible gives us a scientifically accurate account of the process of creation. Representatives of two prominent positions—old-earth creation (Reasons to Believe) and evolutionary ...