Showing 1311 - 1320 of 3339 results

  • Community and Submission, By Jan Johnson

    Community and Submission

    by Jan Johnson

    You are part of a community, whether it is in the workplace, a family, a church or a circle of friends. But often these communities fall short of what God would have them be. What does God desire for your relationships with other people? How can you build true community? How does God use community to build you into Christlikeness? In this study guide, Jan Johnson covers the disciplines of community ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Simplicity & Fasting, By Jan Johnson

    Simplicity & Fasting

    Spiritual Disciplines Bible Studies

    by Jan Johnson

    You may often hear it said—or maybe you say it yourself, "Less is more." But what does it really mean?

    • What would happen if you spent less?
    • Or spoke less?
    • What purpose is served by fasting?
    • What can you gain by living a more simple life?

    In this study guide, Jan Johnson covers the disciplines of simplicity and fasting. Leading a simple life can help you ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Cover to Cover: Getting the Bible's Big Picture, By Gerry Mathisen

    Cover to Cover

    Getting the Bible's Big Picture

    by Gerry Mathisen

    What do we have to gain from those long Old Testament sections on the law? What about all that history? What can we learn from Paul's letters to the church in the New Testament? By introducing each of the major sections of Scripture, this guide helps us gain perspective on the whole message of God's Word.

  • Great Themes: Understanding the Bible's Core Doctrines, By Michael Redding

    Great Themes

    Understanding the Bible's Core Doctrines

    by Michael Redding

    From cover to cover, key themes can be traced through the stories and teachings of Scripture. Creation, sin, salvation, sanctification and community--these are the themes that make up the essentials of our faith. As we understand the place of these doctrines in Scripture, we will better understand God's good news for our lives and his church today.

  • Times & Places: Picturing the Events of the Bible, By Michael Redding

    Times & Places

    Picturing the Events of the Bible

    by Michael Redding

    Sometimes when you see a place for the first time your whole perspective on it changes. That is just as true for our understanding the Bible as it is in other aspects of our lives today. This guide helps you picture the places referred to in the Bible and to work through a time line of important events. As you fill out your mental image of these important places and times, your understanding will ...

  • Interpretation: Discovering the Bible for Yourself, By Judson Poling


    Discovering the Bible for Yourself

    by Judson Poling

    You read the Bible to understand. But how do you know that you are really getting the intended meaning? This Bible 101 study guide by Judson Poling outlines essential principles for finding the meaning of God's Word through inductive study. You'll learn to look at context and culture, and then to apply God's truth to your own life. You'll understand what the Bible says to you, here and now.

    Number of Studies: 6

  • John Calvin: Sovereign Hope, By Carolyn Nystrom

    John Calvin

    Sovereign Hope

    Christian Classics Bible Studies

    by Carolyn Nystrom

    He was loved. He was hated. But he was never ignored. John Calvin was accused of being harsh, petty and cold. Yet his writings reflect a deep passion for God. His letters show loving concern for his friends. And it's hard to overestimate his influence on Protestant Christianity. Do you believe that salvation comes by faith alone, based on Scripture alone, through the grace of Jesus Christ alone? ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Jonathan Edwards: Renewed Heart, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Jonathan Edwards

    Renewed Heart

    Christian Classics Bible Studies

    by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    To read Jonathan Edwards is to meet a flood of pure and overwhelming passion--passion for Christ, for people's souls, for godliness, for revival, for truth. You may remember reading Jonathan Edwards's fiery sermons in school. Yet his challenge--and passion--goes well beyond mere rhetoric. In A Quest for Godliness J. I. Packer describes how Edwards "uncoils a length of reasoning with a ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Personal Devotion: Taking God's Word to Heart, By Kathy Dice

    Personal Devotion

    Taking God's Word to Heart

    by Kathy Dice

    God's Word is alive. It was written to produce transformation in our lives. As we pray and meditate over it, memorize favorite passages, and respond in obedience, it will speak to our lives. This guide shows us how to tap the riches of Scripture in our devotional times.

  • Study Methods: Experiencing the Power of God's Word, By Kathy Dice

    Study Methods

    Experiencing the Power of God's Word

    by Kathy Dice

    Just as a carpenter needs the right tools to do accurate work, you need certain tools to do fruitful Bible study. This guide will help you learn how to use concordances, dictionaries and other resources. You will practice key study methods--word study, character study and so on--that will reveal the truths of God's Word. With these tools and methods at hand you will handle God's Word with confidence ...