Showing 1311 - 1320 of 1904 results

  • Naked Surrender: Coming Home to Our True Sexuality, By Andrew Comiskey

    Naked Surrender

    Coming Home to Our True Sexuality

    by Andrew Comiskey

    Would you like to

    • embrace the God-given gift of sexuality?
    • become free and stay free from sexual idols?
    • be comfortable in your own body?
    • love and value others, both in singleness and marriage?

    Help is here. Jesus sees our bodies as temples, houses where he wants to live. And no matter what we've done sexually or what's been done to us, he can reclaim ...

  • What God Thinks When We Fail: Finding Grace and True Success, By Steven C. Roy

    What God Thinks When We Fail

    Finding Grace and True Success

    by Steven C. Roy

    What does God think of us when we fail? Does he think

    • You're a loser.
    • There's no hope for you.
    • What a wimp!
    • You're good for nothing!
    Or does he think something very different? If you've ever lost a job or a relationship, let your friends down, seen your finances collapse, found your ministry crumbling or failed to meet your own ethical standards, you ...
  • Freedom from Tyranny of the Urgent, By Charles E. Hummel

    Freedom from Tyranny of the Urgent

    by Charles E. Hummel

    Winner of the 2004 ECPA Platinum Book Award!

    Is the clock a slavemaster or a tool that serves you?
    Does the quantity of your responsibilities squeeze out the quality of your life?
    Are urgent things so pressing that you don't have "inner time" to sort out what's really important?
    How can you discern what God wants you to do?

    Charles Hummel's ...

  • Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Sacred Rhythms

    Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton

    Logos Book Award

    Do you long for a deep, fundamental change in your life with God? Do you desire a greater intimacy with God? Do you wonder how you might truly live your life as God created you to live it?

    Spiritual disciplines are activities that open us to God's transforming love and the changes that only God can bring about in our lives. Picking up on the monastic ...

  • Presence, Power and Promise: The Role of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament, Edited byDavid G. Firth and Paul D. Wegner

    Presence, Power and Promise

    The Role of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament

    Edited by David G. Firth and Paul D. Wegner

    From the first verses of Genesis, the Spirit of God makes a dramatic appearance in the Bible. Yet there is surprisingly little scholarly work on the Spirit in the Old Testament. On examination, what we find are similarities but also some significant differences in emphasis from the New Testament. To unpack these emphases on creation, wisdom, prophecy, leadership, creativity and more, the editors ...

  • Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community, By Andrew Marin

    Love Is an Orientation

    Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community

    by Andrew Marin
    Foreword by Brian McLaren

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year Award winner

    Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner

    Relevant Magazine: Top 20 Best Overall Books winner

    Englewood Review of Books: Top 20 Best Overall Books winner

    Christian Manifesto Lime Award winner

    Andrew Marin's life changed ...

  • The Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity, By Soong-Chan Rah

    The Next Evangelicalism

    Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity

    by Soong-Chan Rah

    • 2010 Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner

    The future is now. Philip Jenkins has chronicled how the next Christendom has shifted away from the Western church toward the global South and East. Likewise, changing demographics mean that North American society will accelerate its diversity in terms of race, ethnicity and culture. But evangelicalism has ...

  • Spiritual Practices of Jesus: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers, By Catherine J. Wright

    Spiritual Practices of Jesus

    Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers

    by Catherine J. Wright

    Luke's Gospel was written to transform. In its original context, readers would have seen a portrait of Jesus as an ideal teacher and king, able to shape his people through exemplary leadership. They would have come to the Gospel expecting to be changed for God's purposes through the imitation of Jesus' lifestyle and adoption of his teaching. When today's readers approach the text ...