Showing 1341 - 1350 of 1690 results

  • What Mormons Believe, By Robert M. Bowman Jr.

    What Mormons Believe

    by Robert M. Bowman Jr.

    "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is as American as apple pie," writes Robert Bowman in this booklet-length introduction to the Mormon faith. Addressing the growing curiosity of the American public, Bowman leads with a synopsis of former governor Mitt Romney's Mormon heritage and then recounts the history of the Church of Latter-day Saints (LDS) from Joseph Smith and Brigham Young ...

  • Christ-Centered Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles, By Graeme Goldsworthy

    Christ-Centered Biblical Theology

    Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles

    by Graeme Goldsworthy

    Preaching Survey of the Year's Best Books for Preachers

    The appeal of biblical theology is that it provides a "big picture" that makes sense of the diversity of biblical literature. Through the lens of biblical theology the Bible ceases to be a mass of unconnected texts, but takes shape as a unified metanarrative connecting the story of Israel with that of Jesus. ...

  • Back To Jerusalem: Three Chinese House Church Leaders Share Their Vision to Complete the Great Commission, By Brother Yun and Peter Xu Yongze and Enoch Wang

    Back To Jerusalem

    Three Chinese House Church Leaders Share Their Vision to Complete the Great Commission

    by Brother Yun, Peter Xu Yongze, and Enoch Wang
    With Paul Hattaway

    Napoleon once said "When China is moved it will change the face of the globe." Today those words are becoming a reality through the powerful spiritual vision of the Chinese church to send 100,000 missionaries across China's borders to complete the Great Commission, even in this generation. Here Brother Yun, Peter Xu Yongze, and Enoch Wang, three Chinese house church leaders who between them have ...

  • Hebrews, By N. T. Wright


    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Patty Pell

    For many Jewish Christians of the first century, living in the light of the gospel was challenging. Having accepted Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, they were regarded by still-skeptical family, friends and neighbors as dangerous, misguided and even disloyal to all that God had said earlier on. The letter to the Hebrews was written to show that you can't go back to an earlier stage of God's purposes ...

    Number of Studies: 13

  • From Achilles to Christ: Why Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics, By Louis Markos

    From Achilles to Christ

    Why Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics

    by Louis Markos

    "The heart of Christianity is a myth which is also a fact." --C. S. Lewis In From Achilles to Christ, Louis Markos introduces readers to the great narratives of classical mythology from a Christian perspective. From the battles of Achilles and the adventures of Odysseus to the feats of Hercules and the trials of Aeneas, Markos shows how the characters, themes and symbols within these ...

  • LifeGuide Finder results for Bible studies for men. Use this interactive tool to identify the right LifeGuide Bible Study for you. Search by number of sessions, holidays, books of the Bible, themes, characters, group interest and bestsellers.

  • Luke, Edited by Beth Kreitzer


    New Testament Volume 3

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Beth Kreitzer

    "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Reflecting on this verse from the Gospel of Luke (2:11), Martin Luther declared it to be a summary of the gospel: "See here what the gospel is, namely, a joyful sermon about Christ our Savior. Whoever preaches him rightly preaches the gospel and pure joy." Reformation commentators meditated upon the significance ...