Showing 1351 - 1360 of 3339 results

  • Dynamic Diversity: Bridging Class, Age, Race and Gender in the Church, By Bruce Milne

    Dynamic Diversity

    Bridging Class, Age, Race and Gender in the Church

    by Bruce Milne

    From the footpaths of our cities to the chatrooms of the Internet, people are connecting today as never before. As the planet shrinks through the multiple forces of immigration, travel, electronic communication and more fluid employment patterns, we will find ourselves increasingly forced into contact with those who are significantly different from ourselves. Sadly however, the stranger is often ...

  • More Than Serving Tea: Asian American Women on Expectations, Relationships, Leadership and Faith, By Kathy Khang and Christie Heller De Leon and Asifa Dean

    More Than Serving Tea

    Asian American Women on Expectations, Relationships, Leadership and Faith

    Edited by Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Tracey Gee
    Consulting Editor Jeanette Yep
    by Kathy Khang, Christie Heller De Leon, and Asifa Dean

    Asian American women are caught between different worlds. Many grew up sensing that daughters were not as valuable as sons. Family expectations and cultural stereotypes assume that Asian American women can only have certain prescribed roles, as if our worth comes only through what we do for others. But God has good news for Asian American women. In his eyes, they are his beloved daughters, created ...

  • After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith, By Erica Young Reitz

    After College

    Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith

    by Erica Young Reitz

    "The first year out was one of the hardest years of my life." —Curt The years after college can be some of the most uncertain, unstable times of life. Recent graduates grieve the loss of community, question their place in the world and struggle to find meaningful work. It can be shocking to discover that college did not fully prepare you for the challenges you now face. "It's much ...

  • John: The Gospel of Wisdom, By Michael Card

    John: The Gospel of Wisdom

    The Biblical Imagination Series

    by Michael Card

    "When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth." - John 16:13 "He who saw this has testified so that you also may believe. His testimony is true, and he knows he is telling the truth." - John 19:35 With time and experience comes wisdom. John, the longest-surviving of the apostles, recorded in his Gospel a portrait of Jesus that displays the depth of years of reflection on ...

  • Communication, By Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III


    by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III

    Do you know how to listen to your spouse? How can you "give life" to your marriage with your words? Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this inductive Bible study guide to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. Through six study sessions for individuals, couples or groups, they help you explore differences that might hinder communication and learn strategies ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • For Christ and the University: The Story of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of the USA - 1940-1990, By Keith Hunt and Gladys Hunt

    For Christ and the University

    The Story of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of the USA - 1940-1990

    by Keith Hunt and Gladys Hunt

    • Recipient of a Christianity Today 1993 Critics Choice Award

    Over the last fifty years God has used InterVarsity Christian Fellowship to shape the lives of thousands of students. This fascinating chronicle begins with the early influences that shaped university witness since its founding. Eventually these influences coalesced to form InterVarsity Christian ...

  • Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option: One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism, By Jenny Booth Potter

    Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option

    One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism

    by Jenny Booth Potter
    Foreword by Austin Channing Brown

    During a bus ride with a group of fellow college students, Jenny Booth Potter came to a life-changing realization. She decided that racism in all its forms—in policies and systems, in organizations and churches, in neighborhoods and families–could no longer be tolerated. And even though Jenny didn't know what to do about racism, she was certain of one thing: doing nothing ...