Showing 1371 - 1380 of 2863 results

  • Centering Discipleship: A Pathway for Multiplying Spectators into Mature Disciples, By E. K. Strawser

    Centering Discipleship

    A Pathway for Multiplying Spectators into Mature Disciples

    by E. K. Strawser
    Foreword by JR Woodward

    Discipleship without mission is discipleship without Christ.

    The church often lacks maturity and missional impact because discipleship is at its periphery. In order to get discipleship to the center, leaders need a locally rooted, culturally contextual discipleship pathway to tether disciples who are disciplemakers to the neighborhood or network around them.

    Pastor and ...

  • Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram: A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation, By Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and Doug Calhoun and Clare Loughrige and Scott Loughrige

    Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram

    A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation

    by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Doug Calhoun, Clare Loughrige, and Scott Loughrige
    Foreword by Jerome Wagner

    The Enneagram opens a remarkable window into the truth about us, enabling us to see how image, wounds, lies, triggers, and default responses shape us every bit as much as our faith. But simply diagnosing our number doesn't do justice to who we are. Nor does it necessarily change us or our relationships. Transformation happens as we grow in awareness and learn how to engage and reflect God's image. ...

  • Just Discipleship: Biblical Justice in an Unjust World, By Michael J. Rhodes

    Just Discipleship

    Biblical Justice in an Unjust World

    by Michael J. Rhodes
    Foreword by Brent A. Strawn

    Many Christians and churches are rediscovering that God cares deeply about justice, but opinions abound as to what an approach to biblical justice might look like in contemporary society. What exactly does the Bible mean by justice, and what does it have to do with poverty, racism, and other issues in our world? More importantly, how do we become the kind of people ...

  • The Magnificent Story: Uncovering a Gospel of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth, By James Bryan Smith

    The Magnificent Story

    Uncovering a Gospel of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth

    Apprentice Resources

    by James Bryan Smith

    We are story-making people. We love reading stories—and we love hearing the personal stories of others. We need stories, or narratives, to make sense of our world. And those stories shape our lives. What is the story you have been told about the gospel? About God? About the Christian life? About Jesus? About the cross? About yourself? About heaven? Your answers to these questions will form a ...

  • Mission 3:16: God's One-Verse Invitation to Love the World, By Paul Borthwick

    Mission 3:16

    God's One-Verse Invitation to Love the World

    by Paul Borthwick

    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." —John 3:16 Paul Borthwick unpacks the Bible's most famous verse to unveil God's intentional, sacrificial mission for the world. He examines every word in John 3:16 to reveal the underlying motivation for mission, the global scope of God's call, and ...

  • Courage for Caregivers: Sustenance for the Journey in Company with Henri J. M. Nouwen, By Marjorie J. Thompson

    Courage for Caregivers

    Sustenance for the Journey in Company with Henri J. M. Nouwen

    by Marjorie J. Thompson

    Drawing on the writings and wisdom of Henri J. M. Nouwen's themes of caregiving, Marjorie J. Thompson offers a vulnerable exploration of caregiving intertwined with both her own many years of intimate caregiving of family members and collected stories of caregivers in varied settings and stages of life. While not shying away from the demanding physical, emotional, and spiritual ...

  • Coming to Peace with Psychology: What Christians Can Learn from Psychological Science, By Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Coming to Peace with Psychology

    What Christians Can Learn from Psychological Science

    by Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Religion and science have often been at odds. In particular, Christianity and psychology have not always gotten along. Some Christians are still suspicious of psychological findings. But researcher Everett Worthington argues that Christians can know people better--and even know God better--through psychological science. Worthington suggests that the relationship between psychological science and ...

  • The Cross in Context: Reconsidering Biblical Metaphors for Atonement, By Brad Vaughn

    The Cross in Context

    Reconsidering Biblical Metaphors for Atonement

    by Brad Vaughn
    Foreword by Joshua M. McNall

    How can a doctrine about reconciliation with God create so much controversy among God's people?

    Theologian Brad Vaughn believes Christians can gain clarity and unity on the doctrine of the atonement through a renewed attention to the biblical evidence. While theological theories are necessary and useful, they can obscure reality as much as clarify it. And we're often ignorant ...