Showing 1411 - 1420 of 1690 results

  • How to Read Exodus, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read Exodus

    How to Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    The book of Exodus is a key to understanding the Bible. Without it, the Bible would lack three early scenes: deliverance, covenant and worship. Exodus provides the events and narrative, the themes and imagery foundational for understanding the story of Israel and of Jesus. You can read Exodus on your own, and its main themes will be clear enough. But an expert can sharpen your understanding and ...

  • Luke: Historian & Theologian, By I. Howard Marshall

    Luke: Historian & Theologian

    by I. Howard Marshall

    Apart from the apostle Paul, Luke is arguably the most influential force in the canon of the New Testament. His Gospel and Acts occupy almost a third of the New Testament, and together their narrative voice carries us over a span of more than sixty years, from the birth of Jesus to the imprisonment of Paul in Rome. It is difficult to imagine our understanding of the New Testament period without ...

  • Luke: New Hope, New Joy, By Ada Lum


    New Hope, New Joy

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Ada Lum

    Good news! It was good news not only of Jesus' birth but of what he offered to men, women and children throughout his ministry. To the sick he offered healing. To the hurting, comfort. To the outcast, acceptance. In this twenty-six session LifeGuide® Bible Study Ada Lum leads you to discover that this message of hope and joy is for you as well! This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP's revised ...

    Number of Studies: 26

  • The Message of Galatians, By John Stott

    The Message of Galatians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    To enclaves of young converts in the mountains of Asia Minor, Paul wrote what is perhaps the oldest document in the New Testament—the letter to the Galatians. Paul's readers were struggling with numerous issues: How were men and women to be put right with God? Among a variety of religious authorities espousing different teachings, how were they to know who was right? How could Christians ...

  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians: How Can I Be Sure?, By Donald Baker

    1 & 2 Thessalonians

    How Can I Be Sure?

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Donald Baker

    When you suffer, do you wonder if God has forgotten you? Do you wonder whether you will be with Jesus after you die? Would you like to be sure that your life is pleasing to God? At times every Christian feels anxious or insecure about life—and about faith. The Thessalonians asked many of the questions you ask today, and Paul's letters helped them find assurance. In this ten-session LifeGuide® ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • A Week in the Life of Rome, By James L. Papandrea

    A Week in the Life of Rome

    A Week in the Life Series

    by James L. Papandrea

    In first-century Rome, following Jesus comes at a tremendous social cost. An urbane Roman landowner and merchant is intrigued by the Christian faith—but is he willing to give up his status and lifestyle to join the church? Meanwhile his young client, a catechumen in the church at Rome, is beginning to see just how much his newfound faith will require of him. A Week in the ...

  • Discovering Biblical Equality: Biblical, Theological, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, Edited by Ronald W. Pierce and Cynthia Long Westfall

    Discovering Biblical Equality

    Biblical, Theological, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives

    Edited by Ronald W. Pierce and Cynthia Long Westfall
    Associate Editor Christa L. McKirland

    "There is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."

    The conversation about the relationship between women and men and their roles in the Christian life and the church has evolved, but the topic continues to inspire debate and disagreement.

    The third edition of this groundbreaking work brings together scholars firmly committed to the authority ...

  • The Kingdom of God, By Greg Jao

    The Kingdom of God

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Greg Jao

    Jesus speaks often of "the kingdom of God." What is it? Where is it? When is it? Why is it so important? Understanding and participating in God's kingdom on earth is central to the Christian life. In this study guide, Gregory Jao leads you through ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study that explore God's kindgom—transforming your picture of God, Christianity and your role in the world. ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Life's Big Questions: Six Major Themes Traced Through the Bible, By Vaughan Roberts

    Life's Big Questions

    Six Major Themes Traced Through the Bible

    by Vaughan Roberts

    How can the sixty-six books of the Bible have a single message for us today? What unites the vastly different accounts of God's work in the world? How do the various genres of the Bible work together? Vaughan Roberts believes that the Bible tells a single story for all time. He draws out the Bible's message of Jesus Christ and God's redemption through him in six big questions:

    • Who rules ...
  • Doctrine Twisting: How Core Biblical Truths Are Distorted, By H. Wayne House and Gordon A. Carle

    Doctrine Twisting

    How Core Biblical Truths Are Distorted

    by H. Wayne House and Gordon A. Carle

    In essentials unity. In nonessentials liberty. In all things charity. Almost daily Christians are bombarded by strange new teachings about Jesus. The worldwide proliferation of new religious movements has created confusion in the church.

    • Are there core beliefs at the heart of the Christian faith?
    • If so, what are they?
    • And how should Christians relate to those ...