Showing 1441 - 1450 of 2911 results

  • Gracism: The Art of Inclusion, By David A. Anderson


    The Art of Inclusion

    BridgeLeader Books

    by David A. Anderson
    With David Heiliger
    Foreword by Erwin Raphael McManus

    We can't ignore color, class, or culture. Instead, we must engage matters of race with a different posture and embrace radical inclusion of the marginalized.

    Now with David Heiliger, David A. Anderson revives the biblical model for showing special grace to others on the basis of ethnicity, class, or social distinction—one of gracism. Responding to ongoing problems of prejudice ...

  • Ministering in Patronage Cultures: Biblical Models and Missional Implications, By Jayson Georges

    Ministering in Patronage Cultures

    Biblical Models and Missional Implications

    by Jayson Georges

    Patronage governs many relationships in Majority World cultures. But regrettably, Western theologians and missionaries rarely notice this prominent cultural reality. Patronage—a reciprocal relationship between social unequals—is a central part of global cultures and the biblical story of God's mission.

    Misunderstanding patronage creates problems not only for Westerners ministering ...

  • Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials, By Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker

    Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures

    Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials

    by Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker

    Many a Westerner has had a cross-cultural experience of honor and shame. First there are those stuttering moments in the new social landscape. Then after missed cues and social bruises comes the revelation that this culture—indeed much of the world—runs on an honor-shame operating system. When Western individualism and its introspective conscience fails to engage cultural gears, how can we shift ...

  • Crossing Cultures in Scripture: Biblical Principles for Mission Practice, By Marvin J. Newell

    Crossing Cultures in Scripture

    Biblical Principles for Mission Practice

    by Marvin J. Newell
    Foreword by Patrick Fung

    • 14th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year, Cross-Cultural Category

    From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a crosscultural book. Scripture is full of narratives of God's people crossing cultures in pursuit of God's mission. Biblical texts shed light on mission dynamics: Sarah and Hagar functioning in an honor-shame culture, Moses as a multicultural leader, ...

  • A Short History of Christian Zionism: From the Reformation to the Twenty-First Century, By Donald M. Lewis

    A Short History of Christian Zionism

    From the Reformation to the Twenty-First Century

    by Donald M. Lewis

    Top World Guild Award Winner

    This book is about an idea—namely, that Scripture mandates a Jewish return to the historical region of Palestine—which in turn morphed into a political movement, rallied around a popular slogan ("A country without a nation for a nation without a country"), and eventually contributed to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. ...

  • A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman, By Holly Beers

    A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman

    A Week in the Life Series

    by Holly Beers

    In first-century Ephesus, life is not easy for women.

    A young wife meets her daily struggles with equanimity and courage. She holds poverty and hunger at bay, fights to keep her child healthy and strong, and navigates the unpredictability of her husband's temperament. But into the midst of her daily fears and worries, a new hope appears: a teaching that challenges her society's ...

  • How Wide the Divide?: A Mormon  an Evangelical in Conversation, By Craig L. Blomberg and Stephen E. Robinson

    How Wide the Divide?

    A Mormon an Evangelical in Conversation

    by Craig L. Blomberg and Stephen E. Robinson

    • Voted one of Christianity Today's 1998 Books of the Year
    Mormons and evangelicals don't often get along very well, at least not once they begin to discuss their religious beliefs. They often set about trying to convert one another, considering the faith the other holds as defective in some critical way. Unfortunately, much of what they say about one ...
  • Following Jesus in the

    Following Jesus in the "Real World"

    Discipleship for the Post-College Years

    by Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    What does it mean to follow Jesus after college?

    If it was ever easy to graduate from college, choose a direction, and move on in life, it's not easy today. The terrain is unmapped, the destination uncertain, the stakes high.

    To add to the pressure, Christians often find themselves looking back nostalgically on their school days. Then they knew genuine community, found time to pray, ...

  • AD 33: The Year that Changed the World, By Colin Duriez

    AD 33

    The Year that Changed the World

    by Colin Duriez

    How did Jesus shape history? In A.D. 33 an obscure religious teacher died a criminal's death in a distant outpost of the Roman Empire. Yet this was an event with world-changing consequences. What was the world like in that momentous year? Colin Duriez's compelling book brings to life events in the Roman Empire and beyond. As we look back on that remarkable year, we can see from the perspective ...