Showing 1451 - 1460 of 3339 results

  • The Trinity, Practically Speaking, By Frank D. Macchia

    The Trinity, Practically Speaking

    by Frank D. Macchia

    Three Gods, or One, or Three-in-One? Since the word Trinity does not appear in the Bible, many people wonder whether the doctrine is anything more than an intellectual puzzle created by theologians. This book takes readers on a guided tour of the logic leading to understanding God as a Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Bible (and in Christian experience) are all vital ...

  • Theology Remixed: Christianity as Story, Game, Language, Culture, By Adam C. English

    Theology Remixed

    Christianity as Story, Game, Language, Culture

    by Adam C. English

    Jesus didn't give his followers a fixed set of statements defining everything they needed to know about the kingdom of God in a neat package. Rather he told stories, made comparisons, drew contrasts. He talked of a mustard seed, of yeast and of a hidden treasure to communicate some of the most important truths of the faith. Jesus didn't fall back on parables because he lacked the right words. Parables ...

  • Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith, By C. Stephen Evans and R. Zachary Manis

    Philosophy of Religion

    Thinking About Faith

    Contours of Christian Philosophy

    by C. Stephen Evans and R. Zachary Manis

    With over 40,000 copies in print since its original publication in 1982, Steve Evans's Philosophy of Religion has served many generations of students as a classic introduction to the philosophy of religion from a Christian perspective. Over the years the philosophical landscape has changed, and in this new edition Zach Manis joins Evans in a thorough revamping of arguments and information, ...

  • The Renewal of Trinitarian Theology: Themes, Patterns & Explorations, By Roderick T. Leupp

    The Renewal of Trinitarian Theology

    Themes, Patterns & Explorations

    by Roderick T. Leupp

    Everyone seems to be talking about trinitarian theology these days--theologians, pastors and theologically smart laypeople. If you have felt like an outsider to these conversations, or just wondered why trinitarian theology has generated so much talk, this book is for you. Roderick Leupp describes the renewal of trinitarian theology in recent decades and introduces us to the trinitarian thought ...

  • The Cost of Commitment, By John White

    The Cost of Commitment

    IVP Classics

    by John White
    Foreword by Don Everts

    "The way of the cross is a magnificent obsession with a heavenly pearl, beside which everything else in life has no value." Following Christ, says John White, is not cheap. The cost is substantial. There will be suffering and loss. But the benefits, rewards and joys that come with our commitment to him are well worth the sacrifices that must be made to answer the call to Christ. Consider the ...

  • In Defense of Natural Theology: A Post-Humean Assessment, Edited by James F. Sennett and Douglas Groothuis

    In Defense of Natural Theology

    A Post-Humean Assessment

    Edited by James F. Sennett and Douglas Groothuis

    The shadow of David Hume, the eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher, has loomed large against all efforts to prove the existence of God from evidence in the natural world. Indeed from Hume's day to ours, the vast majority of philosophical attacks against the rationality of theism have borne an unmistakable Humean aroma. The last forty years, however, have been marked by a resurgence in Christian ...

  • Between Pacifism and Jihad: Just War and Christian Tradition, By J. Daryl Charles

    Between Pacifism and Jihad

    Just War and Christian Tradition

    by J. Daryl Charles

    Pacifism. Jihad. Militarism. Are these our only alternatives for dealing with global injustice today? J. Daryl Charles leads us to reconsider a Christian view of the use of force to maintain or reestablish justice. He shows how love for a neighbor can warrant the just use of force. Reviewing and updating the widely recognized but not necessarily well-understood just-war teaching of the church ...

  • Invitation to Theology: A Guide to Study, Conversation  Practice, By Michael Jinkins

    Invitation to Theology

    A Guide to Study, Conversation Practice

    by Michael Jinkins

    Are you intimidated by theology? Confused? Bored? Michael Jinkins knows it doesn't have to be that way. "Theology is our critical and prayerful reflection on the totality of life," he writes. "We all do theology on a regular basis, whether or not we are conscious of the fact." In Invitation to Theology Jinkins offers a knowledgeable, helpful and caring guide to walk you through the basics ...

  • Science & Christianity: Four Views, Edited by Richard F. Carlson

    Science & Christianity

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Richard F. Carlson
    Contributions by Wayne F. Frair, Gary D. Patterson, Jean Pond, Stephen C. Meyer, and Howard J. Van Till

    Science and Christianity. Are they partners or opponents?

    Christians have long debated the relationship of science to faith. With the rise of Darwinism, however, the issue took on new significance. Darwinism appeared to undermine the authority of the Bible and the credibility of Christianity by freeing science of the need for a Creator. Rethinking the relationship between ...

  • Providence & Prayer: How Does God Work in the World?, By Terrance L. Tiessen

    Providence & Prayer

    How Does God Work in the World?

    by Terrance L. Tiessen

    • Recipient of an Honourable Mention in the 2001 God Uses Ink Contest

    "Lord, please give me a parking space!"

    That prayer sounds right on your third time around the block, frustrated and late for an appointment. But is it consistent with how God works in the world?

    Does prayer change God's mind or only our feelings? Does God do things because ...