Showing 1451 - 1460 of 2911 results

  • Shaking the System: What I Learned from the Great American Reform Movements, By Tim Stafford

    Shaking the System

    What I Learned from the Great American Reform Movements

    by Tim Stafford

    Saving the environment. Helping the poor. Stopping abortion. Feeding the hungry. Increasing fair trade. Eliminating pornography. Ending racism. Thousands are active today seeking to make the world a better place. It is a great American tradition that goes back hundreds of years. Sometimes such reform movements were very effective and sometimes they weren't. What made the difference? How come some ...

  • Unlost: Being Found by the One We Are Looking For, By Michael Hidalgo


    Being Found by the One We Are Looking For

    by Michael Hidalgo

    • 2014 Readers' Choice Award Winner

    Michael Hidalgo writes: "I grew up in a Christianized world. I always attended Christian schools, and after high school, I even went to a Bible school for a year before eventually going to a Christian college. All the while, I was never interested in what others thought I should do and not do. I never really saw myself as a bad ...

  • C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University, By A. Donald MacLeod

    C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University

    by A. Donald MacLeod

    • The Word Guild 2008 Canadian Christian Writing Awards winner
    C. Stacey Woods was a moving force in mid-century American evangelicalism. The Australian-born, Brethren-bred Woods came to Canada to head InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the age of 24. He went on to become as well the first general secretary of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States. ...
  • The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief and Behavior, By Steven Garber

    The Fabric of Faithfulness

    Weaving Together Belief and Behavior

    by Steven Garber

    Voted one of Christianity Today's Books of the Year

    All kinds of important choices are made during the college years. Young men and women explore what they really believe about the nature of the world and the purpose of life. They choose their work. They build friendships or even choose to marry. They develop goals and adopt habits that may very well last a lifetime.

    Yet ...

  • Grow Your Christian Life

    Grow Your Christian Life

    by InterVarsity Staff

    Let's face it. Being a Christian isn't easy. The world sure isn't out to help you. Sometimes neither are friends or family. Money, job, studies, bills, career, fun and the future all compete for your time and energy. If God is going to have a say in all this, you're going to need all the help you can get. That's where this book comes in. It provides you with a 30-minute daily workout with God. ...

    Number of Studies: 84

  • Knowing God's Will: Finding Guidance for Personal Decisions, By M. Blaine Smith

    Knowing God's Will

    Finding Guidance for Personal Decisions

    by M. Blaine Smith

    How can we discover God's will for the complicated decisions of time, money, relationships, education and career? How do we know which is best among a variety of "good" options? In this updated and substantially expanded edition, M. Blaine Smith shows how God unfolds his plan for our lives—through the Bible, prayer, reason, abilities, circumstances, desire and the counsel of others. He packs each ...

  • Discipleship of the Mind, By James W. Sire

    Discipleship of the Mind

    by James W. Sire

    Christians who are serious about their faith want to love God with all that they are -- heart and mind and strength. Books abound on the devotional life, on commitment, on evangelism and practical Christian living, but few take up what it means to love God with our minds. How do we learn to honor God in the ways we think? James Sire blazes a trail for Christians concerned about the discipleship ...

  • Modern Orthodox Thinkers: From the Philokalia to the Present, By Andrew Louth

    Modern Orthodox Thinkers

    From the Philokalia to the Present

    by Andrew Louth

    Andrew Louth, one of the most respected authorities on Orthodoxy, introduces us to twenty key thinkers from the last two centuries. He begins with the Philokalia, the influential Orthodox collection published in 1782 which marked so many subsequent writers. The colorful characters, poets and thinkers who populate this book range from Romania, Serbia, Greece, England, France and also include ...

  • Real Life: A Christianity Worth Living Out, By James Choung

    Real Life

    A Christianity Worth Living Out

    by James Choung

    What does it mean to follow Jesus? And how should we help others become more like him? Once upon a time, being a Christian seemed clear. Say these words, pray these prayers, do these things. But out in the real world, following Jesus feels more nebulous. What's the point? That's Stephen's struggle in these pages as he wonders if he has missed his calling. In this compelling narrative, James Choung ...

  • John Calvin: A Pilgrim's Life, By Herman J. Selderhuis

    John Calvin: A Pilgrim's Life

    by Herman J. Selderhuis

    There are many biographies of John Calvin, the theologian--some villifying him and others extolling his virtues--but few that reveal John Calvin, the man. Professor and renowned Reformation historian Herman Selderhuis has written this book to bring Calvin near to the reader, showing him as a man who had an impressive impact on the development of the Western world, but who was first of all a believer ...