Showing 1461 - 1470 of 1690 results

  • 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles

    New Testament Volume 5

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    "Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts.'" (1 Samuel 17:45) Reflecting upon David's victory over Goliath, Reformation translator, theologian and commentator William Tyndale compared it to Christ's victory over sin and death: "When David had killed Goliath the giant, glad tidings came ...

  • With the Clouds of Heaven: The Book of Daniel in Biblical Theology, By James M. Hamilton Jr.

    With the Clouds of Heaven

    The Book of Daniel in Biblical Theology

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by James M. Hamilton Jr.
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    "And behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom." (Daniel 7:13-14 ESV). Perceiving a hole in evangelical biblical theology that should be filled with a robust treatment of the book of Daniel, James Hamilton takes this chance to delve into the book's rich ...

  • Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Edited by Peter J. Gorday

    Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon

    Volume 9

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Peter J. Gorday
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Christianity Today Book of the Year

    For the early church fathers, certain passages in the shorter letters of St. Paul proved particularly important in doctrinal disputes and practical church matters. Pivotal in controversies with the Arians and the Gnostics, the most commented-on christological text in these letters was Colossians 1:15-20, where Jesus ...

  • 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Edited by Lee Gatiss and Bradley G. Green

    1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon

    New Testament Volume 12

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Lee Gatiss and Bradley G. Green

    "Since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep." (1 Thess 4:14).

    The epistles of the New Testament provide unparalleled insight into the realities of the life of the early church, guidance for those called to lead the church, and comfort in the face of pressing theological questions. Among those ...

  • Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Edited by Peter J. Gorday

    Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon

    Volume 9

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Peter J. Gorday
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Christianity Today Book of the Year

    For the early church fathers, certain passages in the shorter letters of St. Paul proved particularly important in doctrinal disputes and practical church matters. Pivotal in controversies with the Arians and the Gnostics, the most commented-on christological text in these letters was Colossians 1:15-20, where Jesus ...

  • Hebrews, James, By Ronald K. Rittgers

    Hebrews, James

    New Testament Volume 13

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    by Ronald K. Rittgers

    “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen,” wrote the author of the epistle to the Hebrews. Reflecting on this verse and the epistle’s description of the high priestly and sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ, Swiss Reformed theologian and exegete Heinrich Bullinger defined faith as “the most constant mental certainty, which rests on those things to which all ...

  • Known worldwide as a preacher, evangelist, and communicator of Scripture, the late John R. W. Stott was once named among Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World." His books have sold millions of copies and have inspired and transformed millions throughout the world. In commemoration of Stott's one hundredth birthday in April 2021, InterVarsity Press (USA), IVP (UK), Eerdmans Publishing, Langham Partnership, and Faithlife are partnering to honor his ongoing legacy.

  • Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians, By Mark A. Tietjen


    A Christian Missionary to Christians

    by Mark A. Tietjen
    Foreword by Merold Westphal

    Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) had a mission. The church had become weak, flabby and inconsequential. Being a Christian was more a cultural heritage than a spiritual reality. His mission—reintroduce the Christian faith to Christians. How could he break through to people who were members of the church and thought they were Christians already? Like an Old Testament prophet, Kierkegaard used a variety ...

  • Shepherds After My Own Heart: Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible, By Timothy S. Laniak

    Shepherds After My Own Heart

    Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Timothy S. Laniak
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Scripture says, "I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding" (Jeremiah 3:15). Most of Israel's pastoral imagery is grounded in two traditions: Moses as God's under-shepherd and David as shepherd-king. These traditions, explains author Timothy S. Laniak, provided prototypes for leaders that followed, and formed the background for the ministry ...

  • Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology, By Thomas R. Schreiner

    Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ

    A Pauline Theology

    by Thomas R. Schreiner

    The theology of the apostle Paul is complex, set forth in numerous occasional letters, and subject to a seemingly endless variety of interpretations. How should students of Scripture engage the challenging task of discerning the shape of Paul's thought? In Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ, Thomas R. Schreiner seeks to unearth Paul's worldview by observing what Paul ...