Showing 1481 - 1490 of 1690 results

  • The IVP Concise Atlas of Bible History, By Paul Lawrence

    The IVP Concise Atlas of Bible History

    by Paul Lawrence
    Edited by Richard Johnson

    • Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (General Reference)

    Want a quick and accurate grasp on all the history that is part of the Bible's story? Or do you want a colorful, visually rich guide to the land that has shaped so many passions for millennia? In this handy-sized reference, you get both. Here is a superb introduction ...

  • Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community, By Andrew Marin

    Love Is an Orientation

    Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community

    by Andrew Marin
    Foreword by Brian McLaren

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year Award winner

    Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner

    Relevant Magazine: Top 20 Best Overall Books winner

    Englewood Review of Books: Top 20 Best Overall Books winner

    Christian Manifesto Lime Award winner

    Andrew Marin's life changed ...

  • Making Peace with the Land: God's Call to Reconcile with Creation, By Fred Bahnson and Norman Wirzba

    Making Peace with the Land

    God's Call to Reconcile with Creation

    Resources for Reconciliation

    by Fred Bahnson and Norman Wirzba
    Foreword by Bill McKibben

    God is reconciling all things in heaven and on earth. We are alienated not only from one another, but also from the land that sustains us. Our ecosystems are increasingly damaged, and human bodies are likewise degraded. Most of us have little understanding of how our energy is derived or our food is produced, and many of our current industrialized practices are both unhealthy for our bodies and ...

  • Walking the Labyrinth: A Place to Pray and Seek God, By Travis Scholl

    Walking the Labyrinth

    A Place to Pray and Seek God

    by Travis Scholl
    Foreword by Walter Wangerin Jr.

    One day Travis Scholl discovered a labyrinth in his neighborhood. As he began to walk it, he found this ancient practice offered a much-needed path away from life's demands, allowing him to encounter God in quiet solitude. In this meditative guide, Travis Scholl takes readers on a journey: "The path is always new, because, as a spiritual discipline, the labyrinth is a tool for contemplation, for ...

  • A Just Mission: Laying Down Power and Embracing Mutuality, By Mekdes Haddis

    A Just Mission

    Laying Down Power and Embracing Mutuality

    by Mekdes Haddis
    Foreword by Latasha Morrison

    Why do American Christians travel overseas to reach people in distant lands, but neglect ministering to people who immigrate from those lands to their home communities?

    Why does Western missions funding depend on narratives that marginalize indigenous leadership?

    Why are diaspora Christians from the Global South not seen as legitimate missionaries to the West?

    Western ...

  • Missional God, Missional Church: Hope for Re-evangelizing the West, By Ross Hastings

    Missional God, Missional Church

    Hope for Re-evangelizing the West

    by Ross Hastings

    "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" (John 20:21). With the reality of broad-scale secularization in the West and the attendant cloud of insignificance hanging over the church, is there any hope for the re-evangelization of the West? In this comprehensive theology of mission, Ross Hastings directs the fretful gaze of the church to the trinitarian commission of John 20. There we find ...

  • Missions: God's Heart for the World, By Paul Borthwick


    God's Heart for the World

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Paul Borthwick

    Beginning with Genesis, the Bible is the story of God pursuing his people. In this study guide, you'll explore how God reaches out--through Jesus and through human ambassodors like us. You'll discover that the call to "missions" is not for a select group but is a part of God's call to every Christian. And you'll begin to understand your own part in God's plan. This nine session LifeGuide® ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • The Politics of Ministry: Navigating Power Dynamics and Negotiating Interests, By Bob Burns and Tasha D. Chapman and Donald C. Guthrie

    The Politics of Ministry

    Navigating Power Dynamics and Negotiating Interests

    by Bob Burns, Tasha D. Chapman, and Donald C. Guthrie
    Foreword by Steven Garber

    We all need help navigating the politics of ministry. "Politics" is often considered a dirty word. It brings to mind lies and manipulation, accusations and scandals. But at its most basic level, politics is simply the everyday activity of getting things done with other people: understanding their interests, recognizing the power dynamics at play, and learning how to negotiate relationships ...

  • Disruptive Discipleship: The Power of Breaking Routine to Kickstart Your Faith, By Sam Van Eman

    Disruptive Discipleship

    The Power of Breaking Routine to Kickstart Your Faith

    by Sam Van Eman

    Sometimes in the Christian life we get stuck. Something seems off, and we don't know why. We may not even notice it at first. But we feel like God is far from our daily lives, or we lose hope for the future, or we don't treat others in loving ways. What can we do? Sam Van Eman has found that our spiritual lives need disruptive experiences, which can jolt and reorient us for greater spiritual maturity. ...

  • Family Ministry: A Comprehensive Guide, By Diana R. Garland

    Family Ministry

    A Comprehensive Guide

    by Diana R. Garland

    North American families are in crisis, and the need for family ministry is more evident than ever. In her many years of ministry, research and teaching, author Diana Garland has found that the strength of Christian families is rooted in their faith and nurtured in their congregations. Garland believes that Christian families gain strength in part because of their communities of faith. Twelve years ...