Showing 1501 - 1510 of 1690 results

  • New Testament Theology and Ethics, By Ben Witherington III

    New Testament Theology and Ethics

    New Testament Theology and Ethics

    by Ben Witherington III

    All too often, argues Ben Witherington, the theology of the New Testament has been divorced from its ethics, leaving as isolated abstractions what are fully integrated, dynamic elements within the New Testament itself. As Witherington stresses, "behavior affects and reinforces or undoes belief." Previously published as The Indelible Image, Volume 2, Witherington offers the second of a ...

  • How Neighborhoods Make Us Sick: Restoring Health and Wellness to Our Communities, By Veronica Squires and Breanna Lathrop

    How Neighborhoods Make Us Sick

    Restoring Health and Wellness to Our Communities

    by Veronica Squires and Breanna Lathrop

    Our neighborhoods are literally making us sick. Buildings with mold trigger asthma and other respiratory conditions. Geographic lack of access to food and health care increases childhood mortality. Community violence traumatizes residents. Poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing, food insecurity, racial injustice, and oppression cause physical changes in the body, resulting in ...

  • Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing, By Andy Crouch

    Strong and Weak

    Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Andy Crouch

    Flourishing people are strong and weak.

    Two common temptations lure us away from abundant living: withdrawing into safety and grasping for power. True flourishing, says Andy Crouch, travels down an unexpected path—being both strong and weak.

    We see this unlikely mixture in the best leaders—people who use their authority for the benefit of others while also showing extraordinary ...

  • Created and Creating: A Biblical Theology of Culture, By William Edgar

    Created and Creating

    A Biblical Theology of Culture

    by William Edgar

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is always situated within a particular cultural context. But how should Christians approach the complex relationship between our faith and our surrounding culture? Should we simply retreat from culture? Should we embrace our cultural practices and mindset? How important is it for us to be engaged in our culture? And how might we do that with discernment and faithfulness? ...

  • Deep Mentoring: Guiding Others on Their Leadership Journey, By Randy D. Reese and Robert Loane

    Deep Mentoring

    Guiding Others on Their Leadership Journey

    by Randy D. Reese and Robert Loane
    Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

    "God is in the business of raising up leaders." —J. Robert (Bobby) Clinton When good leaders are needed, when the work is urgent, our immediate reaction is to enlist new leaders. Instead we are called to invest in new leaders. Good leaders are developed in and through slow, deep mentoring. To think otherwise is to embrace the myth of the quick fix. We proceed, instead, by paying ...

  • Invitation to Retreat: The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Invitation to Retreat

    The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton

    Academy of Parish Clergy Top Ten List

    "Come away and rest awhile."

    Jesus invites us to be with him, offering our full and undivided attention to him. When we choose retreat, we make a generous investment in our friendship with Christ. We are not always generous with ourselves where God is concerned. Many of us have tried to incorporate regular times ...

  • Stewards in the Kingdom: A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness, By R. Scott Rodin

    Stewards in the Kingdom

    A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness

    by R. Scott Rodin

    Too often we think stewardship concerns only the money we give to the church. But in the image of the steward, the Bible offers a perspective on our entire relationship with God. Here we have a full and fresh picture of being Jesus' disciples and living life in all its fullness. R. Scott Rodin unpacks what it means for us to be stewards in the kingdom of the triune God of grace. This theology of ...

  • No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction, By Marnie C. Ferree

    No Stones

    Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction

    by Marnie C. Ferree
    Foreword by Mark Laaser

    In this book Marnie C. Ferree offers a unique resource for women struggling with sexual addiction. Taking her book's title from the parable where Jesus extends grace to the woman caught in adultery, Ferree bravely shares her own story of sexual addiction, recalling her years of shame from living a double life and the moment when she ultimately had to tell the truth. But more than just offering her ...

  • The Fellowship of the Suffering: How Hardship Shapes Us for Ministry and Mission, By Paul Borthwick and Dave Ripper

    The Fellowship of the Suffering

    How Hardship Shapes Us for Ministry and Mission

    by Paul Borthwick and Dave Ripper

    "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings." Philippians 3:10 (ASV) If we follow Jesus, we will experience pain. It comes with the territory. We might face hardship because of our Christian commitment, or we may have challenges just from living in a fallen world. Either way, Christians follow in the footsteps of our suffering Savior and participate ...

  • Window on the World: An Operation World Prayer Resource, Edited by Molly Wall and Jason Mandryk

    Window on the World

    An Operation World Prayer Resource

    Operation World Resources

    Edited by Molly Wall and Jason Mandryk

    Window on the World is your ticket to travel around the world! If you appreciate Operation World as an adult, your kids will love this invaluable and age-appropriate prayer resource that develops cultural, political, and geographical awareness through a Christian lens. Find out how God is changing the lives of families everywhere through prayer—from the frozen Arctic to the hottest ...