Showing 1501 - 1510 of 3662 results

  • The Soul of Wine: Savoring the Goodness of God, By Gisela H. Kreglinger

    The Soul of Wine

    Savoring the Goodness of God

    by Gisela H. Kreglinger

    ★ Publishers Weekly starred review

    Wine is a wonderful, lavish, and mysterious gift from God.

    Gisela Kreglinger, the daughter of a vintner and trained as a theologian, invites us to discover wine as part of a more full-bodied Christian spirituality. She shows us how the soulful savoring of wine is God's way of wooing us back into a great love affair. ...

  • Messy Church: Fresh Ideas for Building a Christ-Centered Community, By Lucy Moore and Jane Leadbetter

    Messy Church

    Fresh Ideas for Building a Christ-Centered Community

    Messy Church Series

    by Lucy Moore and Jane Leadbetter

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    We like the idea of community, but where do we start?

    The Messy Church series provides resources to help your church bring together people of all ages and stages of faith, allowing them to experience a creative and fun-filled Christian community. Messy Church, the first book in the series, offers your church a tool to create a unique, ...

    Number of Studies: 15

  • Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy, By Gregory A. Boyd

    Satan and the Problem of Evil

    Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy

    by Gregory A. Boyd

    • Where does evil come from?
    • If there is a sovereign creator God, as Christian faith holds, is this God ultimately responsible for evil?
    • Does God's sovereignty mean that God causes each instance of sin and suffering?
    • How do Satan, his demons and hell fit into God's providential oversight of all creation and history?
    • How does God interact with human intention ...
  • Science, Creation and the Bible: Reconciling Rival Theories of Origins, By Richard F. Carlson and Tremper Longman III

    Science, Creation and the Bible

    Reconciling Rival Theories of Origins

    by Richard F. Carlson and Tremper Longman III

    Many Christians are torn between their belief in the Bible and the conclusions of science. This is especially the case concerning the creation narratives of Scripture and the rather different stories that science tells. Physicist Richard Carlson and biblical scholar Tremper Longman address the longstanding problem of how to relate scientific description of the beginnings of the universe with the ...

  • A Subversive Gospel: Flannery O'Connor and the Reimagining of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth, By Michael Mears Bruner

    A Subversive Gospel

    Flannery O'Connor and the Reimagining of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Michael Mears Bruner

    Conference on Christianity and Literature (CCL) Book of the Year - Literary Criticism

    The good news of Jesus Christ is a subversive gospel, and following Jesus is a subversive act.

    These notions were embodied in the literary work of American author Flannery O'Connor, whose writing was deeply informed by both her Southern context and her Christian faith. ...

  • Our Church Speaks: An Illustrated Devotional of Saints from Every Era and Place, By Ben Lansing and D. J. Marotta

    Our Church Speaks

    An Illustrated Devotional of Saints from Every Era and Place

    by Ben Lansing and D. J. Marotta

    Surrounded by a Cloud of Witnesses

    Do you ever feel like you're alone in your struggles to live out the Christian faith? Do you ever read the Bible yet still wonder what it looks like to follow Jesus in the complexity and difficulty of our time?

    The stories of great men and women throughout the history of the church can help us form a bridge between the teaching of Scripture ...

  • The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable  Relevant?, By Walter C. Kaiser Jr.

    The Old Testament Documents

    Are They Reliable Relevant?

    by Walter C. Kaiser Jr.

    Can you trust what you read in the Old Testament? Are its documents historically reliable? Are its teachings relevant in the twenty-first century? These are important questions for all who believe that Christianity is a religion founded on events that took place in space-time history, indeed for all who care about truth and meaning in life. In this thought-provoking book Walter C. Kaiser Jr. ...

  • The Integration Journey: A Student's Guide to Faith, Culture, and Psychology, By William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani

    The Integration Journey

    A Student's Guide to Faith, Culture, and Psychology

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani

    There are numerous models, theories, and resources on integrating psychology and the Christian faith. But practicing integration in the real world is something else entirely. To move from theory to practice, we need learning informed by experiences, reflection on those experiences, and feedback from others. This integration process is a lifelong journey.

    William B. Whitney ...

  • Chris Chrisman Goes to College: and faces the Challenges of Relativism, Individualism and Pluralism, By James W. Sire

    Chris Chrisman Goes to College

    and faces the Challenges of Relativism, Individualism and Pluralism

    by James W. Sire

    Chris Chrisman, a young Christian, goes to college only to have his world turned upside down. On campus he finds the challenges to his faith -- both intellectual and personal -- almost more than he can bear. Then he meets Bill Seipel and Bob Wong. Together, the three young men, two of them Christians and the other a self-styled atheist, forge a common bond in the quest for truth. In the process ...

  • Centered-Set Church: Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism, By Mark D. Baker

    Centered-Set Church

    Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism

    by Mark D. Baker

    Christians can be adept at drawing lines, determining what it means to be "a good Christian" and judging those who stray out of bounds. Other times they erase all the lines in favor of a vague and inoffensive faith. Both impulses can come from positive intentions, but either can lead to stunted spiritual life and harmful relationships. Is there another option?

    The late missionary ...