Showing 151 - 160 of 344 results

  • Reading Mark's Christology Under Caesar: Jesus the Messiah and Roman Imperial Ideology, By Adam Winn

    Reading Mark's Christology Under Caesar

    Jesus the Messiah and Roman Imperial Ideology

    by Adam Winn

    The Gospel of Mark has been studied from multiple angles using many methods. But often there remains a sense that something is wanting, that the full picture of Mark's Gospel lacks some background circuitry that would light up the whole. Adam Winn finds a clue in the cataclysmic destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70. For Jews and Christians it was an apocalyptic moment. The gods of Rome ...

  • God, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing Seasons, By Kara Lawler

    God, Right Here

    Meeting God in the Changing Seasons

    by Kara Lawler
    Illustrated by Jennie Poh

    Illumination Award Gold Medal, Gold Mom's Choice Award

    God, right here.
    God, right there.
    God's handiwork is everywhere.

    Yellow daffodils, flying seagulls, bright orange pumpkins, and swirling snowflakes—God's handiwork can be found all throughout nature, and every season is full of beauty and wonder. Everywhere we look, no matter ...

  • 2 Peter and Jude, By Robert Harvey and Philip H. Towner

    2 Peter and Jude

    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Robert Harvey and Philip H. Towner

    The miracle of being forgiven is perhaps equaled only by the wonder of also being trusted again. That wondrous experience in the life of Simon Peter ultimately produced remarkable letters, full of warning and hope, solemn instruction and glorious promise. Because of that grace in Peter's past, his words in the book of 2 Peter are able to strengthen we who are his brothers and sisters in faith. ...

  • Parenting: Loving Our Children with God's Love, By Richard Patterson Jr.


    Loving Our Children with God's Love

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Richard Patterson Jr.

    Parenting is hard work, full of tough choices and new situations. And many voices compete with ours for our children's attention. In a rapidly changing world, how can we parent in a way that will cause our children to love Christ deeply and live for him? These nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Richard Patterson Jr. address nine parenting challenges, pointing us directly to time-tested ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Practicing the Way of Jesus: Life Together in the Kingdom of Love, By Mark Scandrette

    Practicing the Way of Jesus

    Life Together in the Kingdom of Love

    by Mark Scandrette

    Take a casual survey of how people practice their faith, and you might reasonably conclude that Jesus spent his life going door to door offering private lessons, complete with chalkboard and pop quizzes. We think about God in the comfort of our own minds, in isolation from one another; meanwhile the world waits for a people to practice the way of Jesus together. Mark Scandrette contends that Jesus ...

  • Wasting Time with God: A Christian Spirituality of Friendship with God, By Klaus Issler

    Wasting Time with God

    A Christian Spirituality of Friendship with God

    by Klaus Issler

    When it comes to developing a deep, trusting relationship with God, efficiency and productivity are not the answer. It's far better to "waste" time with him, to just enjoy being with him. After all, that's how any friendship grows. But making room for God in the midst of our fast-paced lives is not an easy task. Just as time with our best friends can get squeezed out by the rush of activities, ...

  • Parable of the Dancing God, By C. Baxter Kruger

    Parable of the Dancing God

    IVP Booklets

    by C. Baxter Kruger

    In this brief and easy-to-read IVP booklet, C. Baxter Kruger vividly retells the parable of the prodigal son (including the full text of Luke 15:1-32). His fresh interpretation focuses not on the prodigal son, but on the character of the father as it is revealed through his interaction with his two very different sons. Baxter asks you to consider with which son you most identify--the dutiful elder ...

  • Praying the Psalms, By Juanita Ryan

    Praying the Psalms

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Juanita Ryan

    Joy. Anger. Distress. Hope. Trust. These and many more emotions are expressed in the Psalms. Juanita Ryan offers these nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study to help you learn how to openly express the full range of your emotions to God. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study, originally titled Psalms II, features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Revelation, By N. T. Wright


    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Kristie Berglund

    Many people today regard Revelation as the hardest book in the New Testament. It is full of strange, lurid and sometimes bizarre and violent imagery. As a result, many people who are quite at home in the Gospels, Acts and Paul find themselves tiptoeing around Revelation with a sense that they don't really belong there. But they do! In fact, Revelation offers one of the clearest and sharpest visions ...

    Number of Studies: 22

  • Learning from Henri Nouwen and Vincent van Gogh: A Portrait of the Compassionate Life, By Carol A. Berry

    Learning from Henri Nouwen and Vincent van Gogh

    A Portrait of the Compassionate Life

    by Carol A. Berry
    Foreword by Sue Mosteller CSJ

    Carol Berry and her husband met and befriended Henri Nouwen when she sat in his course on compassion at Yale Divinity School in the 1970s. At the request of Henri Nouwen's literary estate, she has written this book, which includes unpublished material recorded from Nouwen's lectures. As an art educator, Berry is uniquely situated to develop Nouwen's work on Vincent van Gogh and to add her own research. ...