Showing 151 - 160 of 422 results

  • From Pandemic to Renewal: Practices for a World Shaken by Crisis, By Chris Rice

    From Pandemic to Renewal

    Practices for a World Shaken by Crisis

    by Chris Rice

    The pandemic changed the world on a global scale. Not only was it devastating in terms of loss of life, it also revealed deep layers of anxiety and brokenness throughout society. Mental exhaustion, economic disparities, and escalating divisions now mark our times.

    But award-winning author Chris Rice sees the challenges of our day as a historic opportunity for renewal and fresh ...

  • Ephesians: Building a Community in Christ, By John Stott


    Building a Community in Christ

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Phyllis J. Le Peau

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    We long to belong. We crave unity. We want to be loved and accepted by others. Paul's letter to the Ephesians is about uniting all things in Christ. Here we learn how to break down what separates us from God, as well as what causes disconnection within families, in churches, and between racial and ethnic groups. These newly updated studies provide ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Being Latino in Christ: Finding Wholeness in Your Ethnic Identity, By Orlando Crespo

    Being Latino in Christ

    Finding Wholeness in Your Ethnic Identity

    by Orlando Crespo

    Life as a Latino in America is complicated. Living between the two worlds of being Latino and American can generate great uncertainty. And the strange mixture of ethnic pride and racial prejudice creates another sort of confusion.

    • Who are you as a Latino?
    • Who are you as an American?
    • What has Christ to say about your dilemma?
    • How can you accept who you are in Christ ...
  • When God Lets You Down: Trusting Again After Pain and Loss, By Alex Gee

    When God Lets You Down

    Trusting Again After Pain and Loss

    by Alex Gee

    "Emergency operator. May I help you?" "Yes, my name is Alex Gee, my wife is nineteen weeks pregnant and I think her water just broke! This is her second pregnancy, and . . . we lost our first baby just like this . . ." "Sir? Hello? Sir? Try to stay calm. Who is your wife's OB/GYN?" "It's Dr. Koller! Uh . . . My wife is losing more fluid . . . Hurry!" Oh God, this isn't happening again. I ...

  • Hopeful Lament: Tending Our Grief Through Spiritual Practices, By Terra McDaniel

    Hopeful Lament

    Tending Our Grief Through Spiritual Practices

    by Terra McDaniel

    We need to rediscover lament to heal and hope again.

    We've lost the practice of lament. Most people don't know how to process personal or communal mourning and instead struggle to honor their tears, vulnerability, and the full weight of these disillusioning times. But tending our grief might be exactly what we need to reimagine a way forward.

    Tracing her difficult experiences ...

  • Family Therapies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal, By Mark A. Yarhouse and James N. Sells

    Family Therapies

    A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Mark A. Yarhouse and James N. Sells

    In Family Therapies, Mark A. Yarhouse and James N. Sells survey the major approaches to family therapy and treat significant psychotherapeutic issues within a Christian framework. A landmark work, this volume was written for those studying counseling, social work, psychology, or marriage and family therapy. Fully updated and revised, this second edition includes new chapters on cohabitation, ...