Showing 1641 - 1650 of 2911 results

  • Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple: Eight Sessions for Mentoring and Discipleship, By Greg Ogden

    Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple

    Eight Sessions for Mentoring and Discipleship

    The Essentials Set

    by Greg Ogden

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    What am I committing to when I say I want to follow Jesus?

    Using the Great Commission to explore the mission to make disciples as well as the core characteristics that identify us as Jesus' followers, this guide lays the foundation for a life in Christ. Following the popular and effective design of his curriculum Discipleship ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Christian Mission in the Modern World, By John Stott and Christopher J. H. Wright

    Christian Mission in the Modern World

    by John Stott and Christopher J. H. Wright

    Jesus sends us into the world just as the Father sent him. And yet thousands of years later Christians continue to disagree on what this involves. Some believe that the focus of Christian mission is evangelizing and "saving souls." Others emphasize global justice issues or relief and development work. Is either view correct on its own? John Stott's classic book presents an enduring and holistic ...

  • Broke: What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance, By Caryn Rivadeneira


    What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance

    by Caryn Rivadeneira

    "Broke was not in the cards for me. . . . Girls—then women—like us stay strong through it all. A little (or big) financial setback doesn't break us. Or our connection to God." And yet, God let Caryn Rivadeneira and her family go dead broke. In the midst of this financial and spiritual desert, Caryn questioned God's goodness, wondering how he could feel so far away. Doesn't God promise ...

  • Single, Just Because: A Pilgrimage into Holy Aloneness, By Bridget Gee

    Single, Just Because

    A Pilgrimage into Holy Aloneness

    by Bridget Gee

    "Why are you single?"

    "Just because."

    However we answer that question, what's more important than why we are single is how we live as singles. Regardless of our relationship status, all of us are called to a life of vital discipleship. And walking with God can reshape singleness into a pilgrimage of transformation.

    Pilgrim and ...

  • The Myth of the Non-Christian: Engaging Atheists, Nominal Christians and the Spiritual But Not Religious, By Luke Cawley

    The Myth of the Non-Christian

    Engaging Atheists, Nominal Christians and the Spiritual But Not Religious

    by Luke Cawley

    There's no such thing as a non-Christian. Somebody might self-identify as spiritual but not religious. Or they might be a practicing Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim. Or they might call themselves an atheist, freethinker or agnostic. But the one thing that people never describe themselves as is a "non-Christian." So Christians who want to "reach non-Christians" need to realize that they're not all the ...

  • The Surface of Water: A Novel, By Cynthia Beach

    The Surface of Water

    A Novel

    by Cynthia Beach

    The only person who can uncover his secret has arrived.

    Matthew Goodman is tired, and his one wish is for something he can't have. Instead he focuses on the demands of his work as pastor of Chicagoland's Calvary Community, including bringing a new administrative assistant onboard. New hire twenty-five-year-old Trish Card watches him with somber, lake-clear eyes. What he doesn't ...

  • The Artistic Sphere: The Arts in Neo-Calvinist Perspective, Edited by Roger D. Henderson and Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker

    The Artistic Sphere

    The Arts in Neo-Calvinist Perspective

    Edited by Roger D. Henderson and Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker

    While some Christians have embraced the relationship between faith and the arts, the Reformed tradition tends to harbor reservations about the arts.

    However, among Reformed churches, the Neo-Calvinist tradition—as represented in the work of Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd, Hans Rookmaaker, and others—has consistently demonstrated not just a willingness but a desire to engage ...

  • When Everything's on Fire: Faith Forged from the Ashes, By Brian Zahnd

    When Everything's on Fire

    Faith Forged from the Ashes

    by Brian Zahnd

    Is it possible to hold on to faith in an age of unbelief?

    Intellectual certainty has long been a cornerstone of the Christian faith. But in an age of secularism, skepticism, and cynicism, our worldviews have been shaken. Various solutions exist—some double down on certainty, while others deconstruct their faith until there is nothing left at all. But Brian Zahnd offers a third ...

  • Healing Leadership Trauma: Finding Emotional Health and Helping Others Flourish, By Nicholas Rowe, PhD and Sheila Wise Rowe. MEd

    Healing Leadership Trauma

    Finding Emotional Health and Helping Others Flourish

    by Nicholas Rowe, PhD and Sheila Wise Rowe. MEd

    Countless books are designed to help leaders to become better leaders. But most resources neglect the underlying emotional struggles of both emerging and established leaders, who are often isolated and suffering in silence. Leadership professor Nicholas Rowe and counselor Sheila Wise Rowe offer their expertise in helping leaders process painful and traumatic experiences. Trauma ...

  • Why I Am Roman Catholic, By Matthew Levering

    Why I Am Roman Catholic

    Ecumenical Dialogue Series

    by Matthew Levering

    The Roman Catholic tradition in Christianity is breathtaking, complex, and rich in insight about what it means to follow God. But what does it look like to claim this tradition as one's own? And how does this intersect with the reality of our daily and personal lives?

    In this vulnerable and succinct volume, theologian Matthew Levering addresses the heart of these questions. ...