Showing 1661 - 1670 of 3339 results

  • The God Who Is Triune: Revisioning the Christian Doctrine of God, By Allan Coppedge

    The God Who Is Triune

    Revisioning the Christian Doctrine of God

    by Allan Coppedge

    "We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity." (Athanasian Creed, 6th century A.D. The triunity of the Christian God is not just one isolated doctrine among others. Allan Coppedge unfolds the implications of the trinitarian being of God for our entire understanding of the nature, character and acts of God. Building on the theology of the church from the early church fathers, tracing it ...

  • Surprised by Paradox: The Promise of

    Surprised by Paradox

    The Promise of "And" in an Either-Or World

    by Jen Pollock Michel
    Foreword by Russ Ramsey

    Word Guild Awards Shortlist — Apologetics/Evangelism

    Word Guild Award — Best Book Cover Award

    Christianity Today's Book of the Year Award of Merit - The Beautiful Orthodoxy

    What if certainty isn't the goal?

    In a world filled with ambiguity, many of us long for a belief system that provides straightforward ...

  • God's Judgments: Interpreting History and the Christian Faith, By Steven J. Keillor

    God's Judgments

    Interpreting History and the Christian Faith

    by Steven J. Keillor

    What do God's judgments have to do with history? Steven J. Keillor presents the bold thesis that divine judgment can be a fruitful category for historical investigation. In fact, he makes the case that Christianity is rightly grasped as an interpretation of history more than a worldview or philosophy. Grounding his thesis first on a study of God's judgments in the teaching of both the Old and New ...

  • The Care of Creation: Focusing Concern and Action, Edited by R. J. Berry

    The Care of Creation

    Focusing Concern and Action

    Edited by R. J. Berry

    • A 2003 Templeton Foundation Book of Distinction

    "God intends . . . our care of the creation to reflect our love for the Creator," writes John Stott in the foreword to this book.

    For the theologians and scientists who have contributed to this book, the care of creation is both crucial to human survival and a supreme test of the reality of Christian faith. ...

  • No Place for Sovereignty: What's Wrong with Freewill Theism, By R. K. McGregor Wright

    No Place for Sovereignty

    What's Wrong with Freewill Theism

    by R. K. McGregor Wright

    In recent years an increasing number of evangelical thinkers have called for a reevaluation of our understanding of God, making a case for what has variously been called "freewill theism" or the "open view" of God. R. K. McGregor Wright sees their efforts not as something radically new, but a contemporary reaffirmation of Arminianism. Concerned that evangelicals may soon find no place for sovereignty ...

  • Light Unapproachable: Divine Incomprehensibility and the Task of Theology, By Ronni Kurtz

    Light Unapproachable

    Divine Incomprehensibility and the Task of Theology

    by Ronni Kurtz

    How can finite creatures know an infinite God? How does limited knowledge impact what we can say of God?

    Retrieving and constructing important insight from Scripture and key patristic, medieval, early modern, and modern theologians, Ronni Kurtz presents a rich analysis of the doctrine of divine incomprehensibility. Our theological language, says Kurtz, cannot capture the full ...

  • On Classical Trinitarianism: Retrieving the Nicene Doctrine of the Triune God, Edited by Matthew Barrett

    On Classical Trinitarianism

    Retrieving the Nicene Doctrine of the Triune God

    Edited by Matthew Barrett
    Foreword by Todd Billings

    Modern theology claimed that it ignited a renaissance in trinitarian theology. Really, it has been a renaissance in social trinitarianism. Classical commitments like divine simplicity have been jettisoned, the three persons have been redefined as three centers of consciousness and will, and modern agendas in politics, gender, and ecclesiology determine the terms of the discussion. ...

  • The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea: Archaeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology, By Mark R. Fairchild

    The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea

    Archaeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology

    by Mark R. Fairchild

    A Firsthand Look at a Groundbreaking Archaeological Discovery

    In 2014, aerial photography revealed a submerged structure beneath the waters of Lake Iznik, near the ancient city of Nicaea. The structure appeared to be in the shape of an ancient basilica church, with a nave, aisles, and an apse pointing to the east. The discovery was named one of the top ten archaeological discoveries ...

  • Learning from Henri Nouwen and Vincent van Gogh: A Portrait of the Compassionate Life, By Carol A. Berry

    Learning from Henri Nouwen and Vincent van Gogh

    A Portrait of the Compassionate Life

    by Carol A. Berry
    Foreword by Sue Mosteller CSJ

    Carol Berry and her husband met and befriended Henri Nouwen when she sat in his course on compassion at Yale Divinity School in the 1970s. At the request of Henri Nouwen's literary estate, she has written this book, which includes unpublished material recorded from Nouwen's lectures. As an art educator, Berry is uniquely situated to develop Nouwen's work on Vincent van Gogh and to add her own research. ...

  • Luke, By Darrell L. Bock


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Darrell L. Bock

    In Luke's vivid narrative, Jesus comes into Galilee proclaiming "good news to the poor . . . freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind." More than any other Gospel, the Gospel of Luke shows Jesus' great concern for the downtrodden, the oppressed and the marginalized--including women and children and even those outside the house of Israel. Darrell Bock shows why Luke's Gospel ...