Showing 161 - 170 of 2508 results

  • Now and Not Yet: Theology and Mission in Ezra–Nehemiah, By Dean R. Ulrich

    Now and Not Yet

    Theology and Mission in Ezra–Nehemiah

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Dean R. Ulrich
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    For various reasons, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah have suffered comparative neglect in Old Testament scholarship. However, as Dean Ulrich demonstrates, Ezra–Nehemiah as a literary unit is part of the Christian Bible that tells God's grand story of saving activity. It focuses not so much on how to be an effective leader but on how to be a godly participant in God's story. God may ...

  • Beyond the Clinical Hour: How Counselors Can Partner with the Church to Address the Mental Health Crisis, By James N. Sells and Amy Trout and Heather C. Sells

    Beyond the Clinical Hour

    How Counselors Can Partner with the Church to Address the Mental Health Crisis

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by James N. Sells, Amy Trout, and Heather C. Sells
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    The global mental health crisis is growing faster than our existing mental health care system can address. To meet the scope of human need, we need new models of care. The good news is that there is an institution uniquely positioned with the resources and the heart to help: the church.

    Psychologists James Sells and Amy Trout and journalist Heather Sells know firsthand the ...

  • Signals of Transcendence: Listening to the Promptings of Life, By Os Guinness

    Signals of Transcendence

    Listening to the Promptings of Life

    by Os Guinness

    There must be something more to life.

    The modern world is a place of great distraction, and it can be difficult to make sense of our human existence. But at some point in our lives, we may experience particular moments that prompt us to search for something deeper. Sociologist Peter Berger described these hints and clues as "signals of transcendence" that awaken us to unseen ...

  • The Message of Job, By David J. Atkinson

    The Message of Job

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by David J. Atkinson

    Why do people suffer? What is God's role in suffering? How can we help those who suffer?

    The book of Job is all about human suffering. Its portrayal of one man's anguish, the ineffective responses of his friends, and his struggle for faith and understanding mirrors our own experiences in the world.

    David Atkinson offers a pastoral exploration of Job's story. His compelling ...

  • Transforming Discipleship, By Greg Ogden

    Transforming Discipleship

    by Greg Ogden

    Many church leaders, yearning for church growth, look to the latest evangelistic strategies or seeker-targeted worship services. But lack of growth might not be due to lack of concern for new people—it may be because we are not effectively discipling the people we already have. Greg Ogden address the need for discipleship in the local church and recovers Jesus' method of accomplishing life change ...

  • White Awake: An Honest Look at What It Means to Be White, By Daniel Hill White Awake: An Honest Look at What It Means to Be White, By Daniel Hill

    White Awake

    An Honest Look at What It Means to Be White

    by Daniel Hill
    Foreword by Brenda Salter McNeil

    Daniel Hill will never forget the day he heard these words: "Daniel, you may be white, but don't let that lull you into thinking you have no culture. White culture is very real. In fact, when white culture comes in contact with other cultures, it almost always wins. So it would be a really good idea for you to learn about your culture." Confused and unsettled by this encounter, Hill began ...

  • Being White: Finding Our Place in a Multiethnic World, By Paula Harris and Doug Schaupp Being White: Finding Our Place in a Multiethnic World, By Paula Harris and Doug Schaupp

    Being White

    Finding Our Place in a Multiethnic World

    by Paula Harris and Doug Schaupp

    What does it mean to be white? When you encounter people from other races or ethnicities, you may become suddenly aware that being white means something. Those from other backgrounds may respond to you differently or suspiciously. You may feel ambivalence about your identity as a white person. Or you may feel frustrated when a friend of another ethnicity shakes his head and says, "You just don't ...

  • Church for the Fatherless: A Ministry Model for Society's Most Pressing Problem, By Mark E. Strong

    Church for the Fatherless

    A Ministry Model for Society's Most Pressing Problem

    by Mark E. Strong

    Fatherlessness has reached epidemic levels. Forty percent of children in the U.S. will go to bed tonight in a home without a father. Studies show that people without fathers are at much higher risk for low educational performance, drug abuse, crime and poverty. Fatherlessness is rampant in our churches as well. When planting his church, Mark Strong realized that fifteen of twenty core leaders, ...

  • Judges and Ruth: An Introduction and Commentary, By Mary J. Evans

    Judges and Ruth

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Mary J. Evans

    The book of Judges presents Israel’s frailty, the nation’s need for deliverance, and God’s use of flawed leaders to guide his chosen people through a dark period of their history. The book of Ruth tells a smaller story within this narrative, showing God quietly at work in the lives of a few individuals. Mary Evans’s replacement Tyndale commentary places each book in its historical and canonical ...

  • Leading Through Resistance: Quit Pushing Back, By Tod Bolsinger

    Leading Through Resistance

    Quit Pushing Back

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    "People don't resist change. They resist loss." —Marty Linsky and Ronald Heifetz

    When facing losses, even the best teammates can start pushing back. As teams wrestle with uncertainty, leaders need to chart a steady course. Join Tod Bolsinger as he teaches unexpected skills for engaging resistance and moving the mission forward.

    In this essential Christian leadership ...