Showing 161 - 170 of 2912 results

  • The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World: Christian Nonviolence for Communal Flourishing, Edited by Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves

    The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World

    Christian Nonviolence for Communal Flourishing

    Edited by Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves

    "Blessed are the peacemakers."

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of peace: peace between God and humanity, peace among humans. And yet it can be difficult to see that peace in our broken, violent world.

    In this volume, Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves have gathered contributions from theologians, pastors, and practitioners on the importance and implementation ...

  • The Return of the Kingdom: A Biblical Theology of God's Reign, By Stephen G. Dempster

    The Return of the Kingdom

    A Biblical Theology of God's Reign

    Essential Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Stephen G. Dempster

    The biblical story begins and ends with God as king. Human beings rebel, however, rather than fulfilling their royal calling to rule creation on behalf of their Sovereign—and the world became enslaved to the rule of a dark, serpentine lord.

    In this volume of IVP Academic's Essential Studies in Biblical Theology, Stephen Dempster traces the themes of kingship and kingdom throughout ...

  • The Unkingdom of God: Embracing the Subversive Power of Repentance, By Mark Van Steenwyk

    The Unkingdom of God

    Embracing the Subversive Power of Repentance

    by Mark Van Steenwyk
    Foreword by David E. Fitch
    Afterword by Jin Kim

    Christianity is carrying a lot of baggage. Two thousand years of well-intended (and sometimes not so well-intended) attempts to carry forward the good news of God with us have resulted in some murky understandings of the teachings of Jesus and the culture of God?s kingdom. To embrace Christianity, sometimes we have to repent of what we?ve made of it. In The Unkingdom of God Mark Van Steenwyk ...

  • What Your Body Knows About God: How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive, By Rob Moll

    What Your Body Knows About God

    How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive

    by Rob Moll
    Foreword by Michael Card

    Have you ever had an experience where you felt particularly aware of God? If God is real, and we are created in God's image, then it makes sense that our minds and bodies would be designed with the perceptive ability to sense and experience God. Scientists are now discovering ways that our bodies are designed to connect with God. Brain research shows that our brain systems are wired to enable ...

  • 4614
    product set

    The Spiritual Journey

    The Spiritual Journey

    by David G. Benner

    The spiritual journey is one of transformation and awakening. We are aware that the self that begins the spiritual journey is not the same as the one that ends it—with changes in identity, life experience and capacity for love. David G. Benner, author of the three books in The Spiritual Journey set says it this way:

    "Christian spirituality is taking on the mind and heart of Christ as we recognize ...

  • Lead Like It Matters to God Study Guide: Eight Sessions on Becoming a Values-Driven Leader, By Richard Stearns

    Lead Like It Matters to God Study Guide

    Eight Sessions on Becoming a Values-Driven Leader

    by Richard Stearns

    Lead Like It Matters to God by Richard Stearns is about how the values Christian leaders embrace are more important than the success they achieve. This eight-session companion study guide explores seventeen values that will transform your leadership.

    Following the structure of review, reflect, and practice, this dynamic guide also provides discussion starters ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Thinking About God: First Steps in Philosophy, By Gregory E. Ganssle

    Thinking About God

    First Steps in Philosophy

    by Gregory E. Ganssle

    Can we really think about God? Can we prove God?s existence? What about faith? Are there good reasons to believe in the Christian God? What about evil? Can we really know with our finite minds anything for sure about a transcendent God? Can we avoid thinking about God? The real problem, says philosopher Gregory E. Ganssle, is not whether we can think about God, but whether we will think well or ...

  • Meeting God in the Flesh: 8 Discussions for the Curious and Skeptical, By Don Everts

    Meeting God in the Flesh

    8 Discussions for the Curious and Skeptical

    by Don Everts

    People have all sorts of contradictory ideas of who God is and what he might be like. The very idea of God might seem abstract or unknowable. After all, no one has ever seen God. So how can you know what he's like, or if he even exists? But imagine if you could actually get to know God. Can you really meet God in the flesh? In this guide, Don Everts offers you eight discussions exploring episodes ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible, By Vaughan Roberts

    God's Big Picture

    Tracing the Storyline of the Bible

    by Vaughan Roberts

    Making Sense of the Bible's Storyline

    Sixty-six books written by forty people over nearly 2,000 years, in two languages and several different genres. A worldwide bestseller published in countless sizes and bindings, translations and languages. Sworn by in court, fought over by religious people, quoted in arguments.

    The Bible is clearly no ordinary book.

    How can ...

  • The Easy Burden of Pleasing God, By Patty Kirk

    The Easy Burden of Pleasing God

    by Patty Kirk

    "The trait that best typifies the students who break down in my office is their great unhappiness. They are believers. Of this I am sure. Certainly they are more diligent believers than I am, to judge from all the good things they are constantly doing. But they are miserable, every one of them. And, though they usually manage to get back on track . . . I know that, in their spiritual work lives, ...