Showing 161 - 170 of 265 results

  • Paul and First-Century Letter Writing: Secretaries, Composition and Collection, By E. Randolph Richards

    Paul and First-Century Letter Writing

    Secretaries, Composition and Collection

    by E. Randolph Richards

    Traditional Christian art depicts Paul the letter writer, pen in hand, attentive to the Spirit. We might think we know better and imagine him pacing in agitation as he rapidly dictates to a secretary his letter to the Galatians. But in reality neither of these pictures is accurate. In Paul's day, producing a letter was a time-consuming and costly business. And we have ample resources from the ancient ...

  • A Beginner's Guide to Crossing Cultures: Making Friends in a Multicultural World, By Patty Lane

    A Beginner's Guide to Crossing Cultures

    Making Friends in a Multicultural World

    by Patty Lane

    The global village has arrived. Recent census figures show that communities in the United States are more culturally and ethnically diverse than ever before. And you may be just one of many who find it challenging to build relationships with people from backgrounds unlike your own.

    • How do you befriend an international student or a new coworker from a different country?
    • What can ...
  • The Shaping of an Effective Leader: Eight Formative Principles of Leadership, By Gayle D. Beebe

    The Shaping of an Effective Leader

    Eight Formative Principles of Leadership

    by Gayle D. Beebe
    Foreword by Steve Forbes

    Leadership is both an art and a science. We may be tempted to look for a sure-fire formula, but the reality is quite different: effective leaders are exceptional generalists rather than narrow specialists. The best leaders take what the best business experts have to offer, and apply that based on their own abilities, experience and judgment. And these leaders seek real-life mentors and ...

  • Pursuing God's Call, By Tom Lin

    Pursuing God's Call

    Urbana Onward Set

    by Tom Lin

    What happens when God calls you to follow him? Where might Jesus take you? What might it cost? And what kind of surprising blessings could it bring you and the world around you? Through sharing his own personal story, Urbana director Tom Lin shows how pursuing God?s call can take us in unexpected directions. As a success-driven Harvard student, Tom figured he was headed for a lucrative career in ...

  • Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World, By Duane Elmer

    Cross-Cultural Connections

    Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World

    by Duane Elmer

    With the new realities of global interconnectedness comes a greater awareness of cultural diversity from place to place. Besides differences in food and fashion, we face significant contrasts of cultural orientation and patterns of thinking. As we travel across cultures, what should we expect? How do we deal with culture shock? And can we truly connect with those we meet? Experienced cross-cultural ...

  • When Women Give: The Adventure of a Generous Life, By Kim King

    When Women Give

    The Adventure of a Generous Life

    by Kim King
    Foreword by Peter Greer

    Women are entrepreneurs, highly paid professionals, and leaders in business. Many of us have skills to give. We are marrying later. Many of us have time to give. Women are also likely to manage the family money for a significant portion of their lives. Many of us have money to give. When Kim King, a former corporate lawyer, began her own giving journey she found herself short on resources that ...

  • A Spirituality of Listening: Living What We Hear, By Keith R. Anderson

    A Spirituality of Listening

    Living What We Hear

    by Keith R. Anderson
    Foreword by Dan B. Allender

    • 2016 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    "Biblical spirituality . . . asserts that God is not done with the business of revelation and creation but instead continues to have something to say and something yet to be accomplished in the very culture that isn't sure if God is done speaking." So begins Keith Anderson as he invites us on a journey to relearn how to listen. "My ...