Showing 161 - 170 of 422 results

  • No Place for Abuse: Biblical  Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence, By Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark

    No Place for Abuse

    Biblical Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence

    by Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark

    Domestic violence is a leading cause of injury and death to women worldwide. Nearly one in four women around the globe is physically or sexually abused in her lifetime, and gender violence causes more death and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war. Regrettably, the church is not immune to this problem. Numerous studies suggest that incident rates among ...

  • The Surface of Water: A Novel, By Cynthia Beach

    The Surface of Water

    A Novel

    by Cynthia Beach

    The only person who can uncover his secret has arrived.

    Matthew Goodman is tired, and his one wish is for something he can't have. Instead he focuses on the demands of his work as pastor of Chicagoland's Calvary Community, including bringing a new administrative assistant onboard. New hire twenty-five-year-old Trish Card watches him with somber, lake-clear eyes. What he doesn't ...

  • Ephesians: Wholeness for a Broken World, By Andrew T. Le Peau and Phyllis J. Le Peau


    Wholeness for a Broken World

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Andrew T. Le Peau and Phyllis J. Le Peau

    Broken marriages, shattered friendships, racial divisions, war between nations--we live in a fractured world. How can the pieces be put back together? In this eleven-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Ephesians, Paul lifts the veil from the future to allow us to see God's plan to unite everyone and everything in Christ. Studying this book will renew your hope. For over three decades ...

    Number of Studies: 11

  • The Good and Beautiful You: Discovering the Person Jesus Created You to Be, By James Bryan Smith

    The Good and Beautiful You

    Discovering the Person Jesus Created You to Be

    The Good and Beautiful Series

    by James Bryan Smith

    Healing Our Toxic Self-Narratives to Experience True Transformation

    The Christian faith is not only about belief and practices, it is also about the kind of people that we become. Yet some of the biggest barriers to our transformation come from our toxic self-narratives. These narratives shape the way we see ourselves and the way we interact in the world. God designed us with ...

  • The Biology of Sin: Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped, By Matthew S. Stanford

    The Biology of Sin

    Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped

    by Matthew S. Stanford

    There are heated discussions happening on the conflict between science and faith. This disagreement tends to focus around three main issues, one of them being what causes our sinful behavior. The intense conflict has to do with biblically defined sinful behaviors and if there just might be a biological predisposition for these behaviors. The Biology of Sin speaks to this debate and hopefully ...

  • Cold Civil War: Overcoming Polarization, Discovering Unity, and Healing the Nation, By Jim Belcher

    Cold Civil War

    Overcoming Polarization, Discovering Unity, and Healing the Nation

    by Jim Belcher
    Foreword by John D. Wilsey

    America's political landscape is experiencing dangerous polarization and fragmentation, with the extremes pulling the country apart. Voices on the left and right clash over different worldviews, definitions of America, and what it means to be an American citizen. The levels of incivility and hostility lead some to invoke the language of a cold civil war or even a looming civil ...

  • Everything Is (Not) Fine: Finding Strength When Life Gets Annoyingly Difficult, By Katie Schnack

    Everything Is (Not) Fine

    Finding Strength When Life Gets Annoyingly Difficult

    by Katie Schnack

    Sometimes the world knocks us flat on our butt.

    We feel stretched further than we ever thought physically, emotionally, or spiritually possible. And though we are torn up inside, we feel like we need to keep our chin up and put a good face on things. So we pretend that everything is fine, even though it's not.

    Even in the hardest times, strength from God rises from deep ...

  • Standing with the Vulnerable: A Curriculum for Transforming Lives and Communities, By Gil Odendaal

    Standing with the Vulnerable

    A Curriculum for Transforming Lives and Communities

    by Gil Odendaal

    The world has needs. Children are orphaned, refugees are displaced and families are devastated by natural disasters. But God is greater than those needs, and he works through his people to accomplish healing and transformation. God calls us to integral mission— obeying both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment in ministering to people's spiritual, physical, emotional and social well-being. ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • 2 Chronicles: An Introduction and Commentary, By Martin J. Selman

    2 Chronicles

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Martin J. Selman

    The Chronicler wrote as a pastoral theologian. The congregation he addressed was an Israel separated from its former days of blessing by a season of judgment. The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles bring a divine word of healing and reaffirm the hope of restoration to a nation that needed to regain its footing in God's promises and to reshape its life before God. The Chronicler expounds the Bible as he ...