Showing 161 - 170 of 324 results

  • Making Disciples Across Cultures: Missional Principles for a Diverse World, By Charles A. Davis

    Making Disciples Across Cultures

    Missional Principles for a Diverse World

    by Charles A. Davis

    Culture affects how we make disciples. We often unconsciously bring our own cultural assumptions into ministry and mission, not realizing that how we think and operate is not necessarily the best or only way to do things. In today's global environment, disciplemaking requires the cultural humility and flexibility to adapt between different cultural approaches. Charles Davis, former director of ...

  • Transcending Mission: The Eclipse of a Modern Tradition, By Michael W. Stroope

    Transcending Mission

    The Eclipse of a Modern Tradition

    by Michael W. Stroope

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Mission, missions, missional, and all its linguistic variations are part of the expanding vocabulary and rhetoric of the contemporary Christian missionary enterprise. Its language and assumptions are deeply ingrained in the thought and speech of the church today. Christianity is a missionary religion and faithful churches are mission-minded. What's ...

  • Your Mind's Mission, By Greg Jao

    Your Mind's Mission

    Urbana Onward

    by Greg Jao

    Your mind has a mission. Sometimes it might seem like Christians just want your body—to serve or go. Or it might seem like they just want your heart—to emote in worship or commit to a cause. But that's not all. God invites us to love him with our minds as well. Being holistic, global Christians means that we need to think well about the world around us. Greg Jao roots our pursuit of the discipleship ...

  • Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ, By Greg Ogden

    Discipleship Essentials

    A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ

    The Essentials Set

    by Greg Ogden

    The Essential Workbook for Spiritual Growth

    We grow in Christ as we seek him together. Jesus' own pattern of disciple-making was to be intimately involved with others and allow life to rub against life. By gathering in twos or threes to study the Bible and encourage one another, we most closely follow Jesus' example with the twelve disciples.

    This workbook by Greg Ogden ...

    Number of Studies: 25

  • Belonging and Becoming: Creating a Thriving Family Culture, By Mark Scandrette and Lisa Scandrette

    Belonging and Becoming

    Creating a Thriving Family Culture

    by Mark Scandrette and Lisa Scandrette

    Renew your imagination for what family life can be. Many of us feel overwhelmed about the prospect of raising children in our high-performance, rapid-pace culture. Reflecting on difficulties from our own families of origin can increase our doubt and insecurity about being a good parent. Positive examples of family life can seem few and far between. Mark and Lisa Scandrette understand ...

  • Living in Color: Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity, By Randy Woodley

    Living in Color

    Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity

    by Randy Woodley

    "We would never give Picasso a paintbrush and only one color of paint, and expect a masterpiece," writes Randy Woodley. "We would not give Beethoven a single piano key and say, 'Play us a concerto.' Yet we limit our Creator in just these ways." Though our Christian experience is often blandly monochromatic, God intends for us to live in dynamic, multihued communities that embody his vibrant creativity. ...

  • Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best, By Eugene H. Peterson

    Run with the Horses

    The Quest for Life at Its Best

    by Eugene H. Peterson
    Preface by Eric E. Peterson

    Learning to Live the Life You Long For

    In Jeremiah 12:5 God says to the prophet, "If you're worn out in this footrace with men, what makes you think you can race against horses?"

    We all long to live life at its best—to fuse freedom and spontaneity with purpose and meaning. Why then do we often find our lives so humdrum, so unadventuresome, so routine? Or else so frantic, ...

  • Enduring Friendship: Sticking Together in an Age of Unfriending, By Bryan C. Loritts

    Enduring Friendship

    Sticking Together in an Age of Unfriending

    by Bryan C. Loritts
    Foreword by John Mark Comer

    Friendships are difficult.

    Sometimes it can seem as if friends are more work and pain than they're worth, with friendship challenges that we have to endure and struggle through. Life gets in the way of our well-intentioned efforts to connect. Conflicts and differences over serious issues divide us and make us think that we could never be close to a person ever again. In today's ...

  • Heart Speak: A Visual Interpretation of Let Your Life Speak, By Sherrill A. Knezel

    Heart Speak

    A Visual Interpretation of Let Your Life Speak

    by Sherrill A. Knezel
    With Parker J. Palmer

    In this visual interpretation of a classic work, Sherrill Knezel brings Parker J. Palmer's bestselling book Let Your Life Speak to life. With more than seventy heartfelt images to go along with excerpts from Palmer, Heart Speak pairs these images with brief personal reflections. Readers are invited to explore and embrace both their own limits and potential, as ...

  • The Faithful Artist: A Vision for Evangelicalism and the Arts, By Cameron J Anderson

    The Faithful Artist

    A Vision for Evangelicalism and the Arts

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Cameron J Anderson

    The tension between Christianity and the arts is often real. But it also offers a false dichotomy. Many Christian artists think that they must choose between their faith and their artistic calling.

    Drawing upon his experiences as both a Christian and a practicing artist, Cameron J. Anderson explores the dynamics of faith and art in this Studies in Theology and the Arts volume. ...