Showing 1691 - 1700 of 2911 results

  • The Messianic Vision of the Pentateuch, By Kevin S. Chen

    The Messianic Vision of the Pentateuch

    by Kevin S. Chen

    Did Moses write about Jesus? Jesus himself made this bold claim (recorded in John 5:46). Yet while most readers of the Bible today recognize a few Messianic prophecies in the Pentateuch, they don't often see them as part of its central message. In The Messianic Vision of the Pentateuch, Kevin Chen challenges the common view of the Pentateuch as focused primarily on the ...

  • Spiritual Sisterhood: Mentoring for Women of Color, By Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo

    Spiritual Sisterhood

    Mentoring for Women of Color

    by Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo

    In these pages, author and speaker Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo calls all sisters to either become a spiritual mother or be mentored by one. In fact, she believes the survival of African American communities depends on the renewal of mentoring relationships. Having spent many years as both a mentor and a mentee, Osaigbovo provides here the resources needed for effective, life-giving, mentoring relationships, ...

  • God & Morality: Four Views, Edited byR. Keith Loftin

    God & Morality

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by R. Keith Loftin

    Is morality dependent upon belief in God? Is there more than one way for Christians to understand the nature of morality? Is there any agreement between Christians and atheists or agnostics on this heated issue?

    In this Spectrum Multiview volume four distinguished voices in moral philosophy articulate and defend their place in the current debate between naturalism and theism. ...

  • The Relational Soul: Moving from False Self to Deep Connection, By Richard Plass and James Cofield

    The Relational Soul

    Moving from False Self to Deep Connection

    by Richard Plass and James Cofield

    What does loneliness tell us? "Be it chronic or acute, slight or significant, loneliness is proof of our relational design. At the core of our being is this truth—we are designed for and defined by our relationships," former pastors Plass and Cofield write. "We were born with a relentless longing to participate in the lives of others. Fundamentally, we are relational souls." ...

  • A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Exegesis: Taking the Fear out of Critical Method, By Richard J. Erickson

    A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Exegesis

    Taking the Fear out of Critical Method

    by Richard J. Erickson

    Let's face it. Just the word exegesis puts some of us on edge. We are excited about learning to interpret the Bible, but the thought of exegetical method evokes a chill. Some textbooks on exegesis do nothing to overcome these apprehensions. The language is dense. The concepts are hard. And the expectations are way too high. However, the skills that we need to learn are ones that a minister ...

  • Enduring Friendship: Sticking Together in an Age of Unfriending, By Bryan C. Loritts

    Enduring Friendship

    Sticking Together in an Age of Unfriending

    by Bryan C. Loritts
    Foreword by John Mark Comer

    Friendships are difficult.

    Sometimes it can seem as if friends are more work and pain than they're worth, with friendship challenges that we have to endure and struggle through. Life gets in the way of our well-intentioned efforts to connect. Conflicts and differences over serious issues divide us and make us think that we could never be close to a person ever again. In today's ...

  • Redeeming Creation: The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship, By Fred H. Van Dyke and David C. Mahan and Joseph K. Sheldon and Raymond H. Brand

    Redeeming Creation

    The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship

    by Fred H. Van Dyke, David C. Mahan, Joseph K. Sheldon, and Raymond H. Brand

    "Preeeeep." The sound of the peepers, tiny frogs an inch or two long, penetrated the dusk. Beneath the jack pines at the edge of a small pond in the northern Michigan woods, the males were calling their mates. A professor and a group of ecology students sat speechless as closer and closer, louder and louder, more and more peepers joined in chorus. There was just light enough to see them, crawling ...

  • Treating Trauma in Christian Counseling, Edited by Heather Davediuk Gingrich and Fred C. Gingrich

    Treating Trauma in Christian Counseling

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    Edited by Heather Davediuk Gingrich and Fred C. Gingrich

    Traumatic experiences are distressingly common, and the risks of developing posttraumatic stress disorder are high. But in recent years the field of traumatology has grown strong, giving survivors and their counselors firmer footing than ever before to seek healing. This book is a combined effort to introduce counseling approaches, trauma information, and Christian reflections to respond to the ...

  • Predestination and Free Will: Four Views of Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom, Edited by David Basinger and Randall Basinger

    Predestination and Free Will

    Four Views of Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by David Basinger and Randall Basinger
    Contributions by John Feinberg, Norman L. Geisler, Bruce Reichenbach, and Clark H. Pinnock

    If God is in control, are people really free?

    This question has bothered Christians for centuries. And answers have covered a wide spectrum. Today Christians still disagree. Those who emphasize human freedom view it as a reflection of God's self-limited power. Others look at human freedom in the order of God's overall control.

    In this Spectrum Multiview volume, David ...

  • Placemaking and the Arts: Cultivating the Christian Life, By Jennifer Allen Craft

    Placemaking and the Arts

    Cultivating the Christian Life

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Jennifer Allen Craft

    We are, each one of us, situated in a particular place.

    As embodied creatures, as members of local communities and churches, as people who live in a specific location in the world, we all experience the importance of place. But what role does place play in the Christian life and how might our theology of place be cultivated?

    In this Studies in Theology and the Arts volume, ...