Showing 1731 - 1740 of 3339 results

  • Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?: A Biblical Theology of the Book of Leviticus, By L. Michael Morales Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?: A Biblical Theology of the Book of Leviticus, By L. Michael Morales

    Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?

    A Biblical Theology of the Book of Leviticus

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by L. Michael Morales
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Reformation 21's End of Year Review of Books
    Preaching's Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference

    "Who shall ascend the mountain of the LORD?" —Psalm 24:3

    In many ways, this is the fundamental question of Old Testament Israel's cult—and, indeed, of life itself. How can creatures made from dust become members of God's household "forever"? The ...

  • Contagious Holiness: Jesus' Meals with Sinners, By Craig L. Blomberg Contagious Holiness: Jesus' Meals with Sinners, By Craig L. Blomberg

    Contagious Holiness

    Jesus' Meals with Sinners

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Craig L. Blomberg
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Preaching magazine Year's Best Book for Preachers

    One of humanity's most basic and common practices—eating meals—was transformed by Jesus into an occasion of divine encounter. In sharing food and drink with his companions, he invited them to share in the grace of God. He revealed his redemptive mission while eating with sinners, repentant and unrepentant alike.

    Jesus' ...

  • God the Peacemaker: How Atonement Brings Shalom, By Graham Cole God the Peacemaker: How Atonement Brings Shalom, By Graham Cole

    God the Peacemaker

    How Atonement Brings Shalom

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Graham Cole
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    What does God intend for his broken creation? In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Graham A. Cole seeks to answer this question by setting the atoning work of the cross in the broad framework of God's grand plan to restore the created order, and places the story of Jesus, his cross and empty tomb within it. Since we have become paradoxically the glory and garbage of the universe, our ...

  • Five Festal Garments: Christian Reflections on the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther, By Barry G. Webb Five Festal Garments: Christian Reflections on the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther, By Barry G. Webb

    Five Festal Garments

    Christian Reflections on the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Barry G. Webb
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    These five Old Testament books, traditionally known simply as "the Scrolls," are among the most neglected parts of the Christian Bible. In Judaism, the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther were eventually adopted as lectionary readings for five of the major festivals. In Christian tradition, however, no consensus has emerged about their proper use. Each book presents particular ...

  • A Mouth Full of Fire: The Word of God in the Words of Jeremiah, By Andrew G. Shead A Mouth Full of Fire: The Word of God in the Words of Jeremiah, By Andrew G. Shead

    A Mouth Full of Fire

    The Word of God in the Words of Jeremiah

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Andrew G. Shead
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    "I am putting my words as a fire in your mouth; these people are tinder and it will consume them." (Jeremiah 5:14) In the book of Jeremiah, not only is the vocabulary of "word" and "words" uniquely prevalent, but formulae marking divine speech also play an unprecedented role in giving the book's final form its narrative and theological shape. Indeed, "the word of the Lord" is arguably the main ...

  • With the Clouds of Heaven: The Book of Daniel in Biblical Theology, By James M. Hamilton Jr. With the Clouds of Heaven: The Book of Daniel in Biblical Theology, By James M. Hamilton Jr.

    With the Clouds of Heaven

    The Book of Daniel in Biblical Theology

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by James M. Hamilton Jr.
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    "And behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom." (Daniel 7:13-14 ESV). Perceiving a hole in evangelical biblical theology that should be filled with a robust treatment of the book of Daniel, James Hamilton takes this chance to delve into the book's rich ...

  • Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books, Edited by Bill T. Arnold and H. G. M. Williamson

    Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books

    The IVP Bible Dictionary Series

    Edited by Bill T. Arnold and H. G. M. Williamson

    Edited by Bill T. Arnold and Hugh G. M. Williamson, the Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books picks up where the Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch left off—with Joshua and Israel poised to enter the land—and carries us through the postexilic period. Following in the tradition of the award-winning IVP dictionaries focused on the New Testament, this encyclopedic ...

  • God's Mediators: A Biblical Theology of Priesthood, By Andrew S. Malone God's Mediators: A Biblical Theology of Priesthood, By Andrew S. Malone

    God's Mediators

    A Biblical Theology of Priesthood

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Andrew S. Malone
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    There are many investigations of the Old Testament priests and the New Testament’s appropriation of such imagery for Jesus Christ. There are also studies of Israel’s corporate priesthood and what this means for the priesthood of God’s new covenant people. However, such studies are less frequently connected with each other: key interrelations are missed, and key questions are not addressed. In this ...

  • Possessed by God: A New Testament theology of sanctification and holiness, By David G. Peterson Possessed by God: A New Testament theology of sanctification and holiness, By David G. Peterson

    Possessed by God

    A New Testament theology of sanctification and holiness

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by David G. Peterson
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, David Peterson challenges the common assumption that the New Testament views sanctification as primarily a process. He argues that its emphasis falls upon sanctification as a definitive event, "God's way of taking possession of us in Christ, setting us apart to belong to him and to fulfill his purpose for us." Simply to identify sanctification ...