Showing 1731 - 1740 of 3663 results

  • Unleader: The Surprising Qualities of a Valuable Leader, By Jane Overstreet


    The Surprising Qualities of a Valuable Leader

    by Jane Overstreet

    What kind of leader would you be if you were suddenly handed more power? What if you got that promotion you wanted or a headhunter called tomorrow offering you your dream job? Would your leadership be an example of servanthood and justice, or would you give in to the temptations that power always presents? In the time it took Samuel to pour oil on each of their heads, Saul and David both moved ...

  • Cross and Crescent: Responding to the Challenges of Islam, By Colin Chapman

    Cross and Crescent

    Responding to the Challenges of Islam

    by Colin Chapman

    Is the Muslim my neighbor? For increasing numbers of Christians, the answer to that question is yes. The crescent, an emblem of the Islamic faith recognized throughout the world, is gaining prominence in the West, bringing with it the collision of worldviews. When the cross meets the crescent, what ought to happen? In the newly revised classic Cross and Crescent, Colin Chapman brings ...

  • Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, By Christopher A. Hall

    Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers

    by Christopher A. Hall

    Many Christians today long to become reacquainted with their ancient ancestors in the faith. They see a deeper worship and devotion in the prayers and hymns of the early church. And they believe that the writings of the early church can shed new light on their understanding of Scripture.

    But where and how do we begin? Our first encounter with the writings of the church fathers may seem like ...

  • The Hope of Easter, By Bill Donahue

    The Hope of Easter

    by Bill Donahue

    Easter is exciting. We build up to it for weeks. We schedule family gatherings around it. We dress up for it. We celebrate Easter because it signals new life, new hope. In this little book, you'll find the source of that new life, Jesus, extending to us the hope of Easter. You'll see that on the far side of Easter is a freedom that exceeds our expectations. And you'll discover that the source of ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Mission: Living for the Purposes of God, By Scott Nelson


    Living for the Purposes of God

    Forge Guides for Missional Conversation

    by Scott Nelson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    The mission of God has a church. So the church needs to be in sync with the mission of God. This is the guiding philosophy of the Forge Missions Training Network, which has helped church leaders and laypeople alike all over the world to reach their neighbors, their neighborhoods and their communities with the gospel. In these guides you and your friends will be equipped to be missionaries where ...

  • Culture: Living in the Places of God, By Scott Nelson


    Living in the Places of God

    Forge Guides for Missional Conversation

    by Scott Nelson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    The mission of God has a church. So the church needs to be in sync with the mission of God. This is the guiding philosophy of the Forge Missions Training Network, which has helped church leaders and laypeople alike all over the world to reach their neighbors, their neighborhoods and their communities with the gospel. In these guides you and your friends will be equipped to be missionaries where ...

  • Vision: Living Under the Promises of God, By Scott Nelson


    Living Under the Promises of God

    Forge Guides for Missional Conversation

    by Scott Nelson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    The mission of God has a church. So the church needs to be in sync with the mission of God. This is the guiding philosophy of the Forge Missions Training Network, which has helped church leaders and laypeople alike all over the world to reach their neighbors, their neighborhoods and their communities with the gospel. In these guides you and your friends will be equipped to be missionaries where ...

  • Community: Living as the People of God, By Scott Nelson


    Living as the People of God

    Forge Guides for Missional Conversation

    by Scott Nelson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    The mission of God has a church. So the church needs to be in sync with the mission of God. This is the guiding philosophy of the Forge Missions Training Network, which has helped church leaders and laypeople alike all over the world to reach their neighbors, their neighborhoods and their communities with the gospel. In these guides you and your friends will be equipped to be missionaries where ...

  • Staying Together When an Affair Pulls You Apart, By Stephen M. Judah

    Staying Together When an Affair Pulls You Apart

    by Stephen M. Judah

    Affairs happen, and when a marriage is threatened by infidelity, all parties involved can become desperate. The air gets pretty thin, and our ability to look past our immediate needs is compromised. We're tempted to look out only for ourselves, and the marital relationship is left hanging on for dear life. How did we get here? Where do we go from here? Can this relationship survive? Steve Judah ...

  • What Mormons Believe, By Robert M. Bowman Jr.

    What Mormons Believe

    by Robert M. Bowman Jr.

    "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is as American as apple pie," writes Robert Bowman in this booklet-length introduction to the Mormon faith. Addressing the growing curiosity of the American public, Bowman leads with a synopsis of former governor Mitt Romney's Mormon heritage and then recounts the history of the Church of Latter-day Saints (LDS) from Joseph Smith and Brigham Young ...